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Numer: 46313
Dział: Języki obce

Passive voice - ćwiczenia utrwalające zastosowanie strony biernej

Passive voice – ćwiczenia utrwalające zastosowanie strony biernej
I.Przekształć podane zdania tak, aby powstały konstrukcje: mówi się , że...., uważa się, że......... Jeżeli nie ma w zdaniu „it”, wybieramy konstrukcję osobową:
1.People know that he broke his leg. - ........
2.People say that Peter eats too much chocolate. - .....
3.People have believed that his brother was working very hard. – It ....
4.People thought that we had forgotten about this anniversary. - .....
5.People report that we will be swimming in the sea soon. – It....
6.People expect that I will become famous. - .....
7.People reported that Betty had forgiven him his behaviour. - .....
8.People know that my father was working in a bank. - .....
9.People have believed that Joan earns a lot of money. - It....
10. People expect that we will be studying geography.- .....
11.People thought that my sister had been livivng in Paris. - It....
12.People believe that I forgot about my mum’s birthday. - ......

II. Przekształć zdania tak, aby pojawił się w nich passive: „ gerund lub infinitive”:
1.I hate when people force me to do things I don’t like. – I....
2.Would you like other people to invite you to the party? - .....
3.Robert doesn’t like when others accuse him of something horrible. – Robert...
4.I can’t stand when people gossip about me. – I.....
5.She doesn’t mind when Robert greets her very often. – She....
6.Peter doesn’t want you to correct him all the time. – Peter...
III.Przekształć na stronę bierną lub czynną w zależności od sytuacji:
1.Has anybody answered these letters? - ......
2.The authorities refused him a passport. - ......
3.Free drinks can be provided no longer by the staff. - ......
4.They are going to hold next year’s congress in San Francisco.. - ..
5. I have been studying English for 10 years. - .....
6.This road isn’t being used by people now. - .....
7.Was homework being written at 5p.m by Kate? - ......
8. Mike will have bought a new car by next Friday. - .....
9.Kate isn’t giving her sister a toy at the moment. - .....
10. This portrait hasn’t been drawn by Robert yet. - .....
11.Why doesn’t she eat breakfast every morning? - .......
12.Mr. Smith isn’t going to wear new trousers today. - .....

IV. Uzupełnij zdania w odpowiednim czasie strony biernej lub czynnej:
1.The house ..........(paint) before we moved in last month.
2.The patient .........(operate) on when the lights suddenly failed.
3.............you ..............(visit) me next Monday if you have time?
4.The meat I ...............(buy) a few minutes ago, ..................(cook) now.
5.The homework, which I wrote a moment ago, ....................(correct) soon.
6.Susan ....................(still, cook) lunch but her sandwiches .................(not, make) now.
7.Kate .....................(become) famous by 2040.
8.............apples ..................(eat) for 15 minutes by your friends?
1.He is known to have broken his leg.
2.Peter is said to eat too much chocolate.
3.It has been believed that his brother was working very hard.
4.We were thought to have forgotten about this anniversary.
5.It is reported that we will be swimming in the sea soon.
6.I am expected to become famous.
7.Betty was reported to have forgiven his behaviour.
8.My father is known to have been working in a bank.
9.It has been believed that Joan earns a lot of money.
10.We are expected to be studying geography.
11.It was thought that my sister had been living in Paris.
12.I am believed to have forgotten about my mum’s birthday.

1.I hate being forced to do things I don’t like.
2.Would you like to be invited to the party?
3.Robert doesn’t like being accused of something horrible.
4.I can’t stand being gossiped about.
5.She doesn’t mind being greeted very often by Robert.
6.Robert doesn’t want to be corrected all the time.

1.Have these letters been answered by anybody?
2.He was refused a passport by the authorities.
3.The staff can no longer provide free drinks.
4.Next year’s congress is going to be held in San Francisco.
5.English has been studied for 10 years.
6.People aren’t using this road now.
7.Was Kate writing homework at 5 p.m?
8.A new car will have been bought by next Friday.
9.Her sister isn’t being given a toy at the moment.
10.Robert hasn’t drawn this portrait yet.
11.Why isn’t breakfast eaten every morning?
12.New trousers aren’t going to be worn today by Mr Smith?

1.had been painted
2.was being operated
3.Will you visit
4.bought, is being cooked
5.will be corrected
6.is still cooking, aren’t being made
7.will have become
8.Have apples been eaten

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