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Numer: 9144
Dział: Języki obce

Międzyszkolny Konkurs Języka Angielskiego "English Ace"

Konkurs przeznaczony dla klas IV, V szkoły podstawowej i dotyczy wiedzy o języku angielskim i kulturze krajów anglojęzycznych.

Klasa … Imię i nazwisko …………………………………………
Szkoła …………………………………… Liczba uzyskanych punktów …………


I. For each sentence choose one verb and complete it with the correct tense.
(Do każdego zdania dobierz właściwy czasownik i uzupełnij nim zdanie
w odpowiednim czasie.)

go buy like surf work

1. John is in his room now. He ............................. the Internet.
2. I often ..................... rollerblading after school.
3. Alice ................................ a new mobile phone yesterday.
4. My father ........................... as a police officer. He likes his job.
5. .......... you ................... playing chess?

II. Circle the correct answer. (zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź).

1.This .......... the bus to Glasgow.
a. are b. be c.is
2. Anna wakes ........ at 6 o’clock in the morning.
a. up b. at c. in
3.Josh ........ birthday today.
a. have got b. has got c. is having
4. Look! They’re .......... rugby.
a. play b. playing c. plays
5.I like .......... to you.
a. saying b. to stay c. talking
6. We ............ speak a little German.
a. can b. can’t c. couldn’t
7. He ........... home very late yesterday.
a. come b. came c.comes
8. ........ you see that match on TV? What was the score?
a. Do b. Can c. Did
9. ........... open the window. It’s cold outside.
a. Do b. Don’t c. Can
10. ........... me the pen, please. I must fill in the form.
a. Take b. Give c. Catch


III. Write the words to their definitions. (Do podanych definicji napisz wyraz.)

1. A person who delivers letters and parcels: p_ _ _ _ _ n
2. An elephant’s long nose: t_ _ n _
3. Something that you buy at a newsagent’s and you read it: n _ w _ _ _ _ _ _
4. An animal that lives in Australia and keeps its young in a pouch k_ _ _ a _ _ _
5. A piece of furniture at home where you keep your clothes: w_ _ d _ _ _ _

IV. For each of these words circle the correct explanation in polish.
(Do podanych haseł dobierz właściwe wyjaśnienie).

1. “Nightingale” to:
a. słowik b. „nocny marek” c. wiosenna ulewa
2. “Pineapple” to:
a. sad jabłoniowy b. sok jabłkowy z dodatkiem mięty c. ananas
3. “Denim” to:
a. materiał dżinsowy b. domino c. nagranie demo
4. “Scuba diving” to:
a. filmowanie fauny i flory pod wodą b. badanie dna morskiego c. nurkowanie ze specjalistycznym sprzętem
5. “Whiskers” to:
a. wąsy u zwierząt b. karma dla kota c. kocia matka
6. “Parachuting” to:
a. rzut strzałkami do tarczy b. lotka do gry w badmintona c. spadochroniarstwo
7. “Scyscraper” to:
a. drapacz chmur b. lot balonem c. pazury u niedźwiedzia
8. “Chewing gum” to:
a. materiał plastyczny do uszczelniania okien b. guma do żucia c. drzewo kauczukowe

1 .....; 2 .....; 3 ......; 4 .....; 5 ......; 6 ......; 7 .......; 8 ........;

IV. For each of these adjactives write the adjectivve with the opposite meaning. (Do każdego z przymiotników dopisz przymiotnik o przeciwnym znaczeniu).

1.young - ......................
2.good - ........................
3.light - ........................
4.boring - .....................
5.thin - .........................
6.easy -.........................
7.fast - ..........................
8.quiet - ........................
9.cold - .........................
10.tall - .........................

VI. Match the words. (Połącz wyrazy).

1. go a. a sandwich
2. chat b. exercise
3. borrow c. shopping
4. make d. your hands
5. do e. books
6. climb f. a shower
7. take g. a uniform
8. brush h. with friends
9. clap i. your teeth
10. wear j. a mountain

1 .....; 2 .....; 3 ......; 4 .....; 5 ......; 6 ......; 7 .......; 8 ........; 9 ........; 10 ........;


VII. Circle the correct answer. (Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.)

1. Who were the original inhabitants of the United States?
a. Indians b. Aboriginals c. British
2. What is the name of the legendary monster which is supposed to live in Loch Ness?
a. Nessi b. Messy c. Nezzi
3.What colour is the Union Jack?
a. Red, white and yellow b. Red, white and blue c. Red, white and green
4. Where is the Statue of Liberty located?
a. In Washington b. In New York c. In Boston
5. How many stars are there on the flag of the USA?
a. 50 b. 49 c. 51
6.What is the name of the traditional scottish dish?
a. Roast turkey b. Pudding c. Haggis
7. What is the name of the American festival celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November?
a. Thanksgiving b. Halloween c. Independence Day
8. Who is Prince William and Prince Harry Windsor’s grandmother?
a. Elizabeth II b. Tony Blair c. Gordon Brown
9. What is the national anthem of the UK?
a. “Land of my Fathers” b. “God save the Queen” c. “The Soldier's Song”
10. What is the English currency?
a. Dollar b. Euro c. Pound
11. What's the name of the skirt worn formally by men in Scotland ?
a. kilt b. tartan c. emblem
12. Where were the Beatles from?
a. Woodstock b. Liverpool c. Edinburgh

1 .....; 2 .....; 3 ......; 4 .....; 5 ......; 6 ......; 7 .......; 8 ........; 9 ........; 10 .......; 11 .......; 12 ........;


XIII. What do you say in these situations? Circle the correct reaction. (Co powiesz
w podanych sytuacjach? Zakreśl właściwą reakcję.)

1. Twoja babcia wybiera się w podróż do Anglii.
a. Have a good journey! b. Good luck!
2. Spóźniasz się na lekcję.
a. I’m sorry for my being late. b. Excuse me. It’s not my fault.
3. Twój przyjaciel zdaje ważny egzamin.
a. Happy exam! b. Good luck!
4. Chcesz zwrócić na siebie uwagę kelnera i zamówić posiłek.
a. Excuse me! b. Could I ask you?
5. Kolega życzy ci miłego dnia.
a. Thanks. The same to you! b. You too.

1 .....; 2 .....; 3 ......; 4 .....; 5 ......;

IX. Match the questions with the answers. (Połącz pytania z odpowiedziami.)

1. Can I sit here? a. Here you are.
2. Shall we go to the cinema? b. Great, how are you?
3. Would you like a drink? c. Yes, of course.
4. Can I have an ice cream? d. Ok. When?
5. How’s it going? e. No, thanks.
6. Where is the clothes shop? f. Round the corner.

1 .....; 2 .....; 3 ......; 4 .....; 5 ......; 6 ........;


X. Match the slang words with their explanation. (Połącz wyrażenia slangowe z ich wyjaśnieniem.)

1. biggie a. mosquito
2. mozzie b. very little money
3. peanuts c. television
4. sunnies d. something important
5. telly e. sunglasses
6. bloke f. popular
7. hot g. present, gift
8. prezzy h. man

1 .....; 2 .....; 3 ......; 4 .....; 5 ......; 6 ......; 7 .......; 8 ........;


XI. For each of these sentences circle the correct answer. (Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.)

1. A sheep eats ..........
a. grass b. pork c. beef
2. Tuna is ..........
a. a bird b. fish c. fruit
3. You wear wellies when you go ........
a. to a formal party b. fishing c. skating
4. You squeeze your nose with a ........
a. tissue b. towel c. blanket
5. When you’ve got the flue you go to the .........
a. dentist’s b. doctor’s c. optician’s

1 .....; 2 .....; 3 ......; 4 .....; 5 ......;


XII. Translate the sentences into english. (Przetłumacz zdania na j. angielski)

1. Mam nowy telefon komórkowy.
2. Czy potrafisz jeździć konno?
3. Tom codziennie gra w koszykówkę.
4. Jaka jest dzisiaj pogoda?
5. Cameron ma 14 lat.
6. Moja siostra w tej chwili ogląda telewizję.
7. Czy lubisz pływać?
8. Kate wczoraj pojechała w góry.
9. Czy dobrze się bawiłeś?
10. W naszym miasteczku znajduje się teatr.


XIII. Read the text and decide if the sentences below are true or false. (Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz, czy zdania zawierają prawdę, czy fałsz.)

Seaview Hotel,

23rd July

Dear Emily,
How are you? I hope you’re well. I’m writing to you to tell you about my holiday. It’s a total disaster!

The plane was ten hours late and we got here at 4 o’clock on Sunday morning! The next day, I went to the beach for a swim. However, it’s miles from the hotel and it’s crowded. The sea is freezing and it’s polluted – there’s a chemical factory next to the beach!

The hotel is terrible, too. In the brochure, it said all the rooms had excellent views of the sea – from my room, all I can see is the hotel car park! The swimming pool was also lovely in the brochure – but it’s very small and full of noisy children.

My room is terrible. It’s dirty and this morning, I found an enormous cockroach in the shower! And there is a noisy family next to me.

I’m eating a sandwich in my room at the moment because the waiters in the restaurants are rude and unfriendly. The food is terrible. Yesterday, there was a fly in my salad – it was disguting!!

Well, it’s time to for bed. I’d like a shower but, of course, there’s no hot water tonight. And I can’t watch a film because the television doesn’t work.

I can’t wait to go home! See you soon!

George XXX

1. He waited hours in the airport. True/False
2. His hotel room has an excellent view.
3. The water in the sea is cool. True/False
4. His room is very clean. True/False
5. The food is delicious. True/False
6. The waiters are kind. True/False
7. He found an insect in his salad. True/False
8. He can’t watch TV because the television is out of order.

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