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Numer: 909
Dział: Języki obce

Scenariusz przedstawienia na wesoło pt. "Snow White"

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna



W zamku

(Narrator przebrany za gangstera, kapelusz, marynarka, cygaro wchodzi na scenę. W tle muzyka z filmu „ Ojciec chrzestny”. Siada i zaczyna opowiadać.)

Narrator: Once upon a time in the far away land, a king had a lovely baby daughter. She was born on a snowy day, and the king said:
( wchodzi król ubrany nowocześnie)
King: Our daughter is as beautiful and wonderful as each falling snowflake. We shall name her Snow White.


Narrator: Sadly, the queen died while SW was quite young and some years later, the king decided to marry again.
( Na scenę wchodzi król I Śnieżka, ubrana współcześnie: kokardy, podkolanówki, w ręku trzyma wielkiego lizaka, oraz Królowa ubrana w mini, z długimi rozpuszczonymi włosami)
King: She will be your stepmother, Snow White. I’m sure you and she will get along quite well.
Narrator: The new queen was a powerful magician. She was evil and vain as well. Her dearest possession was a magic mirror. Each day the Queen would stand in front of her mirror and ask:
( Królowa siada przed komputerem i stuka w klawisze.)
Queen: Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?
Narrator: And the Magic Mirror would reply:
( odzywa się głos z komputera)
MM: You, oh Queen are the fairest one of all.
N: As long as the Magic Mirror answered in this way the queen was very happy and Snow White was safe from the queen’s cruel jealousy. But one day when the Queen came to live with the King and Snow White, the mirror’s answer changed.
Queen :Magic Mirror on the wall , who is the fairest one of all?
Narrator: The mirror gave a new reply:
Magic Mirror: Snow White is the fairest of all!


Narrator: The queen got very angry and from that day on she hated Snow White with all her heart.
Queen: She will not be the fairest in the kingdom for long. Huntsman! Come here!
(Wchodzi myśliwy ubrany w czarny długi płaszcz I ciemne okulary)
Huntsman: Yes, Your Majesty.
Queen: Take her far into the forest where she can pick flowers and there my faithful huntsman you will KILL her!!
Huntsman: Yes, Your Majesty. But Your Majesty it’s the little princess!!!
Queen: Silence! You’ll be punished if you fail !
Huntsman: Yes, Your Majesty.
Queen: To make sure you won’t fail, bring her heart in this!
( Podaje mu pudełko po cukierkach, myśliwy wychodzi ze spuszczona głową)


Scena I

W lesie

(Śnieżka chodzi po lesie i zbiera kwiaty. Myśliwy z nożem skrada się za nią, zamierza się .w tle muzyka z filmu „ Szczęki”. Śnieżka odwraca się i zasłania się rękami. Myśliwy rzuca nóż , pada na kolana i płacze.)

Huntsman: I can’t do it!!! Forgive me !! Oh Snow White, your stepmother ordered to kill you, but I can’t do it! She hates you because you are more beautiful than she is!!! I beg you!! Forgive me! She’s mad, jealous of you!
SW: But who??
Huntsman: The Queen!! Oh my dear Snow White, run away and never come back!!
Into the woods! Anywhere! Go!! Run!!!
SW: (naiwnie)I don’t understand. What about you?
Huntsman: Don’t worry and never come back to your stepmother!
( Śniezka wybiega)

Scena II

Domek krasnoludków w lesie.

( Śnieżka chodzi po lesie.)

SW: Where shall I go?
Narrator: After much wandering, Snow White came upon a small house. She knocked at the door , but no one answered. Cold and tired Snow White let herself in. What an odd little place it was. There were seven tiny chairs and seven tiny plates. Along one wall there were seven little beds. As there was no one about SW lay down on one of the beds and fell fast asleep.
(Śnieżka wchodzi do domku, rozgląda się, siada przy stole, ziewa I kładzie się na łóżku.)
SW : I’m so hungry and tired.
Narrator: She didn’t hear the dwarfs coming back home.
( Muzyka hip-hop. Wchodzą krasnoludki ubrani jak hip-hopowcy.)
Dwarf1: Ooooo!!!! Our house!
D2 : The door is open!
D3: The chimney is smoking!!
D1: Goodness me! Someone is in!
D2: Maybe a ghost!
D3; or a goblin!
D1: Look! A chair has been dusted!
D2: and the window has been washed!
D3: It’s clean everywhere!
N: The dwarfs were very surprised to see Snow White on their beds.
D3: Shhhhh! What is it?
D1; It’s a GIRL!
D2: What is she doing here?
D3: Why is she here?
D1: She’s beautiful!!!
D2: Shhhhhhh! Be quiet! She is waking up!
D3: What will we do??
D1: Hide!
( Chowają się )
Narrator: Snow White opened her eyes and was a little scared looking at them.
Snow White: Who are you???
D1: We live here. It’s our house.
D2: who are you???
Snow White: I’m Snow White.
D3; Why have you come here?
Snow White: The bad queen wants to kill me!
D1: Ooo, how can we help you???
Narrator: Snow White told them about her father , bad stepmother and the huntsman. She promised to take good care of the dwarfs and help them in the house.
Snow White: Please don’t send me away!!If you do, my stepmother will kill me!!
D1: Kill you??!
D2:Kill you ??!
D3; Kill you??
Snow White: Yes and she’ll never find me here! If you let me stay, I’ll wash and clean, sew and cook for you!
D1 D2 D3 She stays!!!!!!!!


Scena I

W zamku

Narrator: Now let’s look what’s happening in the castle.
( Królowa podchodzi do komputera ze szkatułką w rękach.)
Queen: Magic Mirror on the Wall who now is the fairest one of all?
Magic Mirror: Oh, queen, Snow White is fairest of all. For in the forest where seven dwarfs dwell Snow White is still alive and well.
(Królowa krąży wściekła po pokoju, przebiera się I wychodzi)
Narrator: With her magical powers , the Queen put an evil spell on a silk ribbon. Then she changed into an old woman and went to the little house in the woods.


Domek krasnoludków

( Śnieżka tańczy z odkurzaczem w rytm piosenki Britney Spears)

Queen: ( knock, knock)Good morning. Do you want to buy something nice for you? Look at this! Do you like it?
SW: Oh, Yes, it’s very nice. Here’s your money. Good bye.
( Królowa odchodzi, Śnieżka wiąże wstążkę i upada)
Narrator: Snow White tried on the ribbon and fell on the floor in a deep sleep.
( Wracają krasnoludki)
Narrator: Luckily, the dwarfs came back and found Snow White lying close to death. They took the ribbon off and then Snow White woke up.
D1: What happened?
D2: Who is the ribbon from?
Narrator: Snow White told them everything about the old woman. The dwarfs guessed it was the queen and said:
D3: Don’t open the door!
D1: Don’t open the windows!
D3 Don’t talk to strangers!
D2: Be careful of your stepmother. She must be a witch.


W zamku

Narrator: Meanwhile in the castle.
( Królowa podchodzi do komputera)
Queen: Magic Mirror on the wall who is the fairest one of all?
MM: Snow White is the fairest.
( Królowa jest wściekła, przebiera się, bierze jabłka i wychodzi)
N: The queen came again in a costume and Snow White forgot what the dwarfs told her.
Q: Good afternoon. Have a look at my apples! They are very tasty!
SW: It looks delicious!
Q: I don’t need to come in but do try this lovely apple, dear child! Taste one dear! Take a bite!
N: The apple was poisoned and when Snow White tried it, she fell on the floor.
Q: ( laughing) I’ll be the fairest in the land!


Domek krasnoludków

(Wracają krasnoludki)

N: Soon the dwarfs came and found Snow White close to death.
D1: Snow White, please, open your eyes!
D2; What can we do?
D3: It’s the end. She’ll never wake up again!
D1: We have lost the lovliest girl that ever lived!
( W tle muzyka :“ Sonata Księżycowa” Beethovena)
N: The dwarfs placed Snow White in a beautiful glass coffin filled with snow-white flowers.
D1-3: ( crying) Good bye our dear Snow White!
Narrator: Day and night the dwarfs kept watch beside the coffin. One evening a young prince stopped to see what was happening.
( Muzyka zmienia się na wesołą, samochodem wjeżdża królewicz, ubrany w koszulę, krawacik, duże okulary itp.)
Narrator: As soon as he saw Snow White, he fell in love with her.
Prince: Ohhhh!! She’s so beautiful. I must kiss her!
( Książe całuje Śnieżkę. Śnieżka podnosi się. Patrzy na księcia z obrzydzeniem.)
SW: Who are you??
Prince: I’m a prince!
SW: A prince????( Śnieżka zmienia wyraz twarzy, zaczyna się uśmiechać)
Prince: Yes, you’re the most beautiful girl in the world! I want to be with you forever!!I love you!! Will you marry me?!!
SW: Oh, my prince! With pleasure!!
Narrator: The prince and Snow White rode away to his castle, soon were married and lived happily ever after. The wicked Queen and her mirror were never heard of again!
( Książe i Śnieżka łapią się za ręce, wsiadają do samochodu I odjeżdżają. W tle piosenka ‘Crazy’.)

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