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Numer: 8844
Dział: Języki obce

Quiz z wiedzy o Wielkiej Brytanii

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna


1. Why are Oxford and Cambridge often mentioned together?
2. In Oxford, what are: Radcliffe Camera and Sheldonian Theatre?
3. What famous bridge can you see both in Oxford and Cambridge?
4. What river flows through Liverpool?
5. What city and what forest are associated with the most famous outlaw?
6. Why is Bath called like that?
7. What is Walk of Faith, in Blackpool?
8. What does divide England and Scotland?
9. What are the Backs in Cambridge?
10. Where were the Beatles from?
11. What is the biggest college in Oxford?
12. Where in England can you find the tallest and the fastest roller coaster in the world?
13. Where in England can you find a tower like the Eiffle’s Tower?
14. What are the three Official Residences of the Queen of England?
15. What is tartan?
16. What does the Royal Mile in Edinburgh connect?
17. Can you name the capital of Scotland?
18. What is Blackpool?
19. In Bath, what are Royal Crescent and Circus?
20. What expensive toy can you see at Windsor Castle?

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