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Numer: 8842
Dział: Języki obce

Konkurs translatorski z języka angielskiego - "Dziwne tłumaczenia dziwnych zdań"

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna

Konkurs został oparty o zdania z ubiegłorocznych olimpiad języka angielskiego i jest dość dużym wyzwaniem dla uczniów, ale też i możliwością sprawdzenia swoich sił i dobrą zabawą.

[name]: ..........................


Try and translate at least 30 out of these 50 strange sentences. Good luck!

1. Will ten booths be enough? ........................................
2. We should wait for another thaw. ........................................
3. It’s one of the best blends. ........................................
4. In my opinion the rally was not a success. ........................................
5. I was surprised to see him almost in rags. ........................................
6. Many of us simply despise him. ........................................
7. Hold it fast, Mike. ........................................
8. Did you get the point he was making? ........................................
9. Industrial waste is a serious problem. ........................................
10. Heads or tails? ........................................
11. It’s due at Heathrow at 6:15 ........................................
12. It was arranged in order of increasing cost. ........................................
13. How serious is the shortage? ........................................
14. This should never occur again. ........................................
15. How can you suffer him for so long? ........................................
16. I am thoroughly fed up with it. ........................................
17. A change like this cannot be brought about in a day. ........................................
18. The liquid may be drugged. ........................................
19. Will you chair after Andrew? ........................................
20. Please, no more affairs with beach beauties. ........................................
21. The Danube then seemed unbridgeable. ........................................
22. He is too dumb to complete the entry form. ........................................
23. Can it be solved straightaway? ........................................
24. Are you a teetotaler? ........................................
25. Don’t tease her. ........................................
26. Even his next of kin shouldn’t know. ........................................
27. Normally, he is second fiddle to his brother. ........................................
28. As a minor he can’t do it. ........................................
29. It was stripped but had no hood. ........................................
30. You can fool some but not all of them. ........................................
31. I have no idea how he got hold of it. ........................................
32. Some attempts were made in the fifties. ........................................
33. I am now absolutely certain they were tailing me. ........................................
34. In spite of the weather we’re going to have a large attendance. ........................................
35. One day I’ll get even with her. ........................................
36. Most of the evidence has been doctored. ........................................
37. Is he to be knighted? ........................................
38. His favourite trick is palming a coin. ........................................
39. Don’t send any plainclothes men. ........................................
40. Is the bark thick enough? ........................................
41. I don’t want to miss the bagpipes. ........................................
42. On my return I found the town in turmoil. ........................................
43. The fatality rate is rising. ........................................
44. We were summoned at a very short notice. ........................................
45. After all, it’s the only warehouse here. ........................................
46. From this point of view, the thirties were hardly better. ........................................
47. There isn’t much room for improvement. ........................................
48. She runs it in a very sensible way. ........................................
49. So far I have found no reference to it anywhere. ........................................
50. The available evidence won’t be enough. ........................................

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