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Numer: 8839
Dział: Języki obce

Christmas Greetings

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna

Bardzo często w szkole prowadzimy zajęcia dotyczące Świąt Bożegonarodzenia w Wielkiej Brytanii lub USA. Ale nasi uczniowie potrafią tylko powiedzieć "Merry Christmas!" - poniższy zbiór życzeń jest ciekawą alternatywą do tak stereotypowego składania życzeń. Można wpleść je w lekcję dotyczącą Świąt, można dodać na koniec lekcji tuż przed Świętami. Możliwości jest wiele.

May all the blessings of the season shine upon you! Best wishes for a bright and beautiful Christmas!
Hope all your Christmas wishes come true!
‘We have seen this star in the East and have come to worship Him’
Matthew 2:2
Celebrating with you the birth of Christ our Lord and wishing you the blessing of his love!
‘The blessing of the Lord be upon you’
Psalm 129:11
May you rejoice in the blessings of His love this Christmas and always.
May the miracle of Christ renew your faith, refresh your spirit, touch your heart...
Wishing you a blessed Christmas!
Wishing you joy...
wishing you love...
wishing you blessings from heaven above!
Have a joyous Christmas!
Wishing you the many joys of this wonderful season!
May Peace and Joy be your heart’ companions on Christmas and always!
May your Christmas be bright with joy and happiness!
May the choicest blessing of the season shine upon you!
At this joyous time of the year, we want to thank you for your support and friendship that you’ve extended all through!
Wishing you a prosperous New Year!
May this joyous season bring you peace, health and happiness throughout the coming year.
It’s a joy to have someone as special as you in my life! Merry Christmas!
Hope your heart is full of happiness and light and your Christmas is merry and bright!
Peace in your heart
warmth in your soul
joy in your home
May your Christmas be blessed with these precious gifts...

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