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Numer: 8463
Dział: Języki obce

Who are they playing? - scenariusz lekcji

Informacje ogólne:

Poziom: 1 klasa Gimnazjum

Temat: ‘Who are they playing’?
Cele operacyjne lekcji: presentation, practise, production.
Rozwijanie sprawności rozumienie tekstu I mówienia.
Gramatyka. Słownictwo.
Przebieg lekcji:
Czynności wstępne: - przywitanie uczniów
- sprawdzenie obecności
- sprawdzenie pracy domowej

2.Część powtórzeniowa.
Teacher asks students e.g.
Do you ever go to football matches?
Are the tickets expensive or cheap?
Who’s your favourite football player or your favourite team?
Do you enjoy watching football matches on TV? Etc...

3.Prezentacja nowego materiału językowego.
Teacher asks students to look at the comprehension questions and to think about them while they listen to the tape. Then they read the dialogue while listen. Teacher plays the tape again and students answer the questions in pairs. Then teachers checks answer with the whole class.

4. Praca nad materiałem językowym.
Teacher asks students to look at the dialogue in Ex.1 again then writes on board: ‘Liverpool are playing at An field tomorrow night’. Teacher asks students: ‘What tense is it?’ (Pr. Continous) ‘Is this now or in the future?’ (in the future) [Present Continous here is expressing future]. Students maybe asked to find another example in this dialogue (Who are they playing?). Teacher also may ask them ‘do you have any arrangements for this week?’ Maybe they have an appointment e.g. ‘I’m going to the dentist’ or ‘They are seeing a film this Saturday’ (they may have tickets already).

5.Ćwiczenia utrwalające poznany materiał.
Exercise 4, page 37
Teacher writes a few dates to check their pronunciation by students e.g. ‘3rd Nov. 2001’. Students complete these phrases with the correct prepositions e.g. in August, in 1965, on 1st August etc.

Zadanie I objaśnienia pracy domowej. Elementary Language Booster. Exercise number 1, page number 24 (present continous as future).

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