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Numer: 8462
Dział: Języki obce

Children of the street - scenariusz lekcji

Informacje ogólne:

Poziom: klasa 2 Gimnazjum

Temat: ‘Children of the street’
Cele operacyjne: presentation, practice, production. Rozwijanie sprawności rozumienia tekstu. Vocabulary.
Przebieg lekcji:
1.Czynności wstępne: - przywitanie
- sprawdzenie obecności
- sprawdzenie 1-go lub dwóch zadań domowych

2. Część powtórzeniowa.
Teachers asks students to explain the meaning of the phrases unpaid work, emergency medical help, an opportunity of getting a job, ask people in the street for money (to beg).

3.Prezentacja nowego materiału językowego.
Students read the article ‘Children of the street’ by Rob Thompson and find phrases which mean the same as these above (unpaid work- voluntary work, emergency medical help- first aid, an opportunity of getting job- a chance of finding work).
Teacher asks students to get much information as they can from the picture, then asks: ‘Where do you think the boy is from? How old is he? Why does he sell balloons? What do you think the article is about?
Students read the text to check their ideas and find new information.

4.Praca nad nowym materiałem językowym.
Teacher explains the vocabulary of the text as necessary or give students time to check in their dictionaries. (voluntary work, bus shelters, to beg, to trust, to persuade, hostel, backgrounds)
Students read the last two paragraphs and then write these sentences in the correct order
a) The children regularly went to the hostel at night for food and shelter.
b) They went to class to learn how to do certain jobs.
c) They offered them medical help and something to eat.
d) They organization chose street children from a certain part of the city.
3.a) the correct order

5.Ćwiczenia utrwalające.
Teacher asks students one or two questions e.g. ‘How old is Eduardo?’, ‘What is his family name?’, ‘Why does he do voluntary work for the organization?’ etc. students make as many questions as they can about the passage. They must remember the answers to their questions!

6. Zadanie i objaśnienia pracy domowej.
Elementary Language Booster Ex.3 page number 135.
Students must write questions and answers about the bike trip matching the problems with the solutions.

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