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Numer: 8460
Dział: Języki obce

Program klubu "The Best" - przygotowanie do Wojewódzkiego Konkursu Języka Angielskiego


Program obejmuje następujące zagadnienia:

I Word study
- using a dictionary
- abbreviations and numbers
- word formation
- spelling and pronunciation
- compound words
- synonyms
- antonyms
- stressing the right syllable
- word classes
II. Grammar Review
- Present Tenses: Present Simple and Present Continuous
- Present Perfect and its uses
- Present Perfect Progressive contrasted with Present Perfect Simple
- Present Perfect in contrast with Simple Past( time adverbials)
- The use of Past Perfect and Past Perfect Progressive
- Futurity: will, shall, going to, be to, be due to, Progressive and Perfect aspects of future activities.
- The use of modal auxiliaries
- Passive structures
- Conditional sentences (type0,I, II,III, )
- Reported Speech
- Gerund and infinitive
- Sentence structure: various types of noun and adverbial clauses
- Prepositions (prepositional verbs)
- Phrasal verbs
III. Reading exercises and task types
- Finding specific information in text
- True or False questions
- Matching topics to information in the text
- Multiple choice questions
- Finding specific information in two texts
- Matching summaries to paragraphs
- Inserting missing information/sentences into the passage/text
- Arranging jumbled texts
- Finding factual mistakes in text summaries
IV. Listening exercises and task types
- listening for gist
- Listening for specific information
- Monologue with picture-matching task
- Two conversations with picture matching task
- Conversation with a sentence completion task
- Telephone messages with a note taking task
- Conversation with gap filling Monologues and conversations with multiple choice questions
- Choosing correct answers
V. Writing
- Spelling and punctuation
- Describing people, things, places
- Writing a story
- Paragraphs
- Making notes
- Personal letters
- Formal and informal letters
- Completing information and writing a transactional letter
- Starting and ending well
- writing a report
- Letter of complaint
- Writing a description for a brochure
- job application
VI. Speaking and communication activities
- Giving opinions
- Agreeing and disagreeing
- Telling stories
- Interrupting politely
- Asking question and follow-up the question
- Explaining routes
- Talking about photographs
- Asking for and giving explanations
- Giving short talks

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