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Numer: 8382
Dział: Języki obce

Konkurs z języka angielskiego na temat świąt w krajach anglojęzycznych (część pisemna)


„Festivals in English-speaking countries”

Klasa ............................. Drużyna 1. ........................................
2. ........................................
3. ........................................

The following test includes open-ended questions. Answer them in English.

1. What is the day of 25th December called?
2. When do people celebrate Halloween?
3. Where is Thanksgiving Day celebrated (country)?
4. What do you do on April Fools’ Day?
5. Give another name for Santa Claus.
6. Name at least 5 Santa’s reindeer.
7. What do Americans celebrate on 4th July?
8. What is the last day of carnival called?
9. Who is the patron saint of Ireland?
10. What must you do if you are standing under a mistletoe?
11. What do you call a lamp made of pumpkin?
12. Which festival is there on 5th November in Britain?
13. What do children say when they want to get sweets for Halloween?
14. Where does Santa put his presents?
15. What is the symbol of Easter?
16. When did Christopher Columbus discover the New World (year)?
17. Which day is St Valentine’s Day on?
18. What do people do on New Year’s Eve?
19. What is the popular food on Thanksgiving Day?
20. What do children leave for Santa and his reindeer?

Good luck!

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