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Numer: 8167
Dział: Języki obce

Ćwiczenia leksykalne "Different types of crime" - język angielski

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna


What are the crimes described in these situations? The words are given in the box. What do you call the criminals who commit the crimes above???

arson assault/mugging shoplifting fraud/ embezzlement rape/sexual assault terrorism drug pushing/drug dealing blackmail forgery kidnapping burglary vandalism smuggling

1. He threatened to send the love letters to her husband unless she gave him $500.
CRIME:................................. CRIMINAL: .....................................
2. The telephone box had been smashed and there was graffiti all over the walls.
CRIME:................................. CRIMINAL: .....................................
3. An old man has been attacked and robbed in a city street. He is recovering in hospital.
CRIME:................................. CRIMINAL: .....................................
4. Department stores lose millions of pounds each year through goods being stolen off the shelves.
CRIME:................................. CRIMINAL: .....................................
5. Thieves broke into the house while the family was away on holiday.
CRIME:................................. CRIMINAL: .....................................
6. The young woman was sexually attacked as she walked across the park at night.
CRIME:................................. CRIMINAL: .....................................
7. He watched with satisfaction as the fire he lit burnt down the factory. ‘That’ll make them wish they’d never given me the sack.’
CRIME:................................. CRIMINAL: .....................................
8. It was a perfect copy. It was so good, in fact, that it could even fool an expert.
CRIME:................................. CRIMINAL: .....................................
9. The bank believed her to be trustworthy. They had no reason to suspect that she had transferred thousands of pounds to false accounts.
CRIME:................................. CRIMINAL: .....................................
10. ‘If you want to see your child again, put $10,000 into an old suitcase and wait for further instructions.’
CRIME:................................. CRIMINAL: .....................................
11. George gave the man $50 in return for a small packet of heroin.
CRIME:................................. CRIMINAL: .....................................
12. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and people were sitting outside the café enjoying the sunshine. Then the bomb went off.
CRIME:................................. CRIMINAL: .....................................
13. ‘If only I hadn’t brought those watches through customs,’ she thought as she sat crying in the police station.
CRIME:................................. CRIMINAL: .....................................

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