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Numer: 8164
Dział: Języki obce

Tematy maturalne - prezentacje PR - język angielski

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna

Przygotuj się do prezentacji tematu i dyskusji z egzaminatorem.
1. Some people believe that our modern lifestyle is very unhealthy. However, we tend to live longer than we did a hundred years ago. How would you explain that?
2. Nowadays fewer and fewer young people are interested in starting a family. What might be the reasons for this phenomenon?
3. Should single parents be supported financially by the government? Discuss the question taking into account different aspects of single parenthood.
4. Is mass tourism a threat or a blessing for local communities?
5. Which place in the UK or the USA would you call the greatest tourist attraction, and why?
6. Being and adult – problems and challenges.
7. Teenagers in Poland and the USA: how similar and how different are they?
8. Inventions and how they have changed our lives.
9. Positive and negative effects of technological development.
10. Discuss some measures the government could take to put and end to growing violence in Poland.
11. Imagine you have the power to change some things in your country. What would you change and why?
12. Read the quotation about image. What do you think it means? Do you agree? ‘That is the best part of beauty, which a picture cannot express.’ (Francis Bacon)
13. Can we learn to be happy? Why (not)? What kinds of things make you feel happy?
14. Could you spend a month without watching TV? What would you do instead?
15. What would you do to improve TV programmes in your country?
16. Why is it important to try and save animals from extinction?
17. What can humans do to preserve the world around them?
18. What problems might you have planning a two-week activity trip around Europe?
19. To what extent do you think travel helps us to be more understanding and tolerant towards others?
20. How can we change ourselves from tourists into travelers?
21. What would travelers to your country find interesting and/or different?
22. How does reading a science-fiction novel compare with watching a science-fiction film?
23. Which would you rather do: read a novel first or see a film based on the novel first?
24. Humans are just animals who can talk.
25. Animals have feelings just like humans.
26. Pets are always more reliable than people.
27. Humans should leave animals in the wild where they belong.
28. Family ties are the most important things in life.
29. Your job or studies play a much more important role in your life than a personal relationships!
30. What shapes our personality: our genes or the environment in which we grow up?
31. Does our nationality determine the way we think and act?
32. Do you believe in Zodiac signs? Can our birth influence our character?
33. Is there a person in your family with an interesting biography? Describe it.
34. Would you ever consider having a plastic surgery? Why? Why not?
35. Does changing our appearance change our personality as well?
36. ‘My home is my castle’ – explain the proverb and discuss it.
37. Household duties relax and give us pleasure and satisfaction.
38. ‘Show me your home and I’ll tell you who you are’ – Explain the saying and discuss it.
39. A hobby can make you a bore or a very interesting person.
40. Very few people know how to relax effectively.
41. Sport has become purely a money-making enterprise.
42. Men are more interested in sports than women.
43. Olympic Games should always be held in Greece.
44. The best way of spending free time is to have a chat with a friend.
45. Research shows that married people are healthier and live longer.
46. The generation gap is inevitable – parent and children will always argue about lifestyles and values.
47. When you’re an adult, you don’t need your parents’ opinion and advice.
48. A large family with a lot of children is happier then a 2 + 1
49. Manifestations of affection (kissing, embracing, hugging) in public places are embarrassing and should be banned.
50. Old people are the biggest treasure of each community.
51. Having a happy family and personal life is more important than a successful career.
52. Are Poles generally healthy? Justify your opinion
53. What are the most common eating habits in Poland? Do we eat in a healthy way?
54. Why is dieting so popular with women and not so popular with men?
55. Being a doctor is the best profession one can have.
56. Medical care should be free in all countries.
57. Are there enough facilities for the handicapped in your school and town? Describe the situation.
58. How, in your opinion, could drug taking among children and teenagers be prevented?
59. Can legalizing some less harmful drugs reduce crime?
60. Can very strict punishments (e.g. death penalty or very long prison sentences) and sever prison conditions discourage criminals from committing crimes?
61. Should domestic violence be punished as severely as other crimes?
62. Can you suggest any ways of reducing the number of alcoholics in Poland? What could the government and various organizations do to change the present situation?
63. What can be done to prevent football hooliganism in Poland?
64. Why are small towns usually safer places than large cities?
65. No more nuclear power plants should be built and the old ones should all be closed down.
66. The ZOO and the circus are perfect examples of cruelty towards animals.
67. Natural disasters are a form of punishment for the horrible things people do to nature.
68. Large-scale recycling of paper, glass, metal and plastic isn’t realistic in Poland.
69. It’s unreasonable to spend so much money and effort on the protection of animals when people die of hunger.
70. People in Poland watch much more television now than in the past. Why? What programmes are most popular?
71. Cinema is generally much more popular than theatre. Why?
72. Fewer people become interested in traditional forms of art such as opera or ballet so they will die out one day.
73. Film adaptations of famous literary works are usually a poor version of the original so there is no point in making them.
74. Which way of traveling do you prefer? Justify your opinion.
75. If you had a visitor from abroad, which places in Poland and in your home area would you like to show him/her? What would you say about them?
76. Do you think that going on a package tour is the best way of visiting foreign countries?
77. A lot of people in Poland don’t go away for their holidays but spend them at home. Can you explain this phenomenon?
78. If you had enough money to travel wherever you wanted, where would you go and why?
79. What is your favourite way of spending the summer and winter holidays?
80. Which English speaking country have you visited or would you like to visit? What have you seen or would you like to see and why?
81. People still believe in the idea of the ‘American Dream’. Is the USA still a promised land?
82. The British have the best sense of humour. Do you agree?
83. Do you think that if you were a parent you would behave in the same way as most parents, or would you be different?
84. What do you consider the greatest waste of time?
85. Hobbies are a waste of time – do you agree? Why? Why not?
86. What qualities are important in a friend? Why?
87. Learning foreign languages broadens your mind.
88. Television is an one-eyed monster.
89. What is the best way to learn a foreign language?
90. Mass media – are they good or bad? What is their role in the society?
91. Major environmental problems in the world
92. Those who love nature are good people, do you agree?
93. Protection of the natural environment – rain forest, ozone layer, car, the greenhouse effect
94. Is there the freedom of press in Poland? What’s your opinion about it?
95. Why do so many people in Poland move to big cities?
96. Where would you like to live in a big city or in the country? Why?
97. What should be done to make country life easier?
98. In which walks of life are computers prevalent?
99. What are the benefits of computerization?
100. Why do people get addicted to computer games?
101. What does a ‘healthy lifestyle’ mean?
102. Why are there so many road accidents nowadays?
103. How can drivers and pedestrians contribute to the improvement of road safety?
104. What would you make a symbol of Lodz and why?
105. Do you think that Capital Punishment discourages criminals? How?
106. Do you think that mass murderers and serial killers deserve to die? Why? Why not?
107. Do you think that the families of victims killed by criminals would be satisfied with a life-sentence rather than a death sentence?
108. Stressful situations at school – how to avoid them?
109. Why are great scientists absent-minded?
110. What do employers do to make jobs more attractive?
111. Success is the most important things in human life. Do you agree?
112. What would be more important in your future job – the money you earn or the satisfaction you get?
113. How do you understand the term: the generation gap?
114. Vegetarianism – diets – is there any sense?
115. Eating sweets is as bad a habit as smoking or drug-taking. Discuss.
116. The food must be first tasty then healthy. Do you agree?
117. What should a good diet consist of? What should it avoid?
118. Who is generally better at sports? Women or men?
119. Killing animals for meat is immoral. Discuss.
120. Should animals be kept in ZOOs?
121. The most useful invention
122. People have the freedom of choice – do you agree?
123. Unexplained phenomena have always been present in people’s lives. Discuss
124. What are the things that people are scared of?
125. Fashion rules our lives. Discuss.
126. Life in future – how will it change?
127. If you had a year off – how would you spend it?
128. Should people get married before they are 20?
129. What experiences in our lives can affect your memory?
130. Are you in favour of grafitti?
131. What kind of person should a good policeman be?
132. Do you think that elderly people are always happier? Why? Why not?
133. English as an international language
134. Why do people learn foreign languages?
135. Jobs which women shouldn’t do
136. What is your attitude to violence on TV? Does it influence people and how should it be controlled?
137. The role of mass media in today’s world.
138. Learning foreign languages means narrowing the divisions between nations.
139. How important is learning foreign languages for your future work and career?
140. What kind of business would you like to work in: private or state owned, big or small, Polish or foreign?
141. Success is the most important thing in human life. Do you agree?
142. How important is good education and qualification in finding a job?
143. Why do you think people don’t like certain jobs?
144. ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’ – how do you understand the proverb? Do you agree with it?
145. Marriage is an old-fashioned idea and it will die out soon.
146. Christmas in Poland and in the United Kingdom. Are there any differences?
147. New Year’s resolutions – what do you think about them?
148. It is OK to lie in certain situations – do you agree?
149. Do exams show our real knowledge?
150. Big supermarkets are better than small shops - discuss.
151. Are there any rules of behaviour during job interviews?
152. Animals have equal moral status to men – do you agree? Why? Why not?
153. Is there a relationship between the education you have and the money you earn?
154. Bad habits you would like to get rid of and good habits you would like to acquire.
155. Drug addiction and alcoholism – a habit or an illness?
156. Money is the root of all evil/money makes the world go round – choose one and justify.
157. Your vision of a businessman/businesswoman. Who is a yuppie?
158. Should we all become vegetarians in order to save animals?
159. Advertising is a useful service – for and against.
160. Children and pocket money.
161. Good manners. How well-mannered are you?
162. The Underground is a very efficient means of transport and inevitable in all big cities.
163. What does ‘workoholism’ mean? What are the professions most affected by workoholism?
164. System of education in Poland and in the UK, the USA
165. How ‘green’ are you?

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