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Numer: 7984
Dział: Języki obce

Test kwalifikacyjny do międzyszkolnego konkursu języka angielskiego

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna

Masz do zdobycia 60 punktów.
Musisz zdobyć przynajmniej 40 punktów, żeby zakwalifikować się do dalszego etapu.

I.Dopasuj nazwy miejsc lub zabytków do poniższych opisów, korzystając z propozycji podanych poniżej.


1.________________________is probably the most famous church in england. it is located in London. There are tombs of famous people, such as the poet geoffrey chaucer, ther physicist Isaac Newton and the naturalist Charles Darwin.
2.________________________ is a huge stone circle on Salisbury Plain, which is probably 4000 years old. One theory says that it was a stone calendar.
3.________________________ is the historic fortress of London which was built on the ruins of Roman fortifications. For many years it was a royal prison.
4.________________________ is a huge bell in the clock tower on the eastern side of the Housed of Parliament in London. It was named after Sir Benjamin Hill. The bell first rang in 1859.

II.Dopasuj opisy do świąt i uroczystości.

1.Guy Fawkes' night
2.Boxing Day
3.Valentine's Day
4.St. Patrick's Day

A. February 14, all English-speaking countries, romantic cards and other symbols of love
B. March 17, Ireland and New York, street parades, speeches, dances and dinners
C.December 26, the UK and other English-speaking countries ( but not the USA ), gifts
D.November 5, the UK, bonfires and fireworks

III.Wybierz właściwą brytyjską formę z nawiasu.

1.Excuse me, can I have the ( bill // check ), please?
2.The easiest way to get around the city is by ( subway // underground ).
3.We couldn't find a ( car park // parking lot ) anywhere in the city centre.
4.We just had some fish and ( chips // French fries ).
5.I'm afraid the price of ( petrol // gas ) will go up soon.

IV.Uzupełnij zdania wstawiając a, some , any, lub no .

1.Excuse me, is there _______________ post office near here?
2.Would you like _____________________ tea or coffee? And how about ______________ piece of cake?
3.We need to go. We really have _________________more time to wait for him.
4.Have you got ____________questions?
5.He had _______________ friends and felt very lonely.

V.Uzupełnij zdania wstawiając a/an, the lub _.

1.We saw ___________excellent performance yesterday.
2.So you know what ________________time is it? You should be in _____________ already.
3.I'm hungry. I only had _____________few sandwiches for _____________ breakfast.
4.Have you heard _____________news? Paul's in ___________ hospital . He had _________
awful accident yestaerday.
5.It was _____ warm and sunny day so Peter decidres to work for ________________while in the garden.

VI.Czasownikiw nawiasach podaj w odpowiedniej formie.

1.Mr Smith __________________________( walk ) to his office every morning.
2.My brother is unemplojed and he _____________________( look for ) a job.
3.I _________________________( not, see ) her for two years.
4.When they saw an accident they ________________________( call ) for an ambulance.
5.I'm sorry, I'm late. How long ___________________________( you/white )
6.While we were chatting inm the living room the children ( play ) _________________ in the garden.
7.A: I'm worried about the exam.
B: I'm sure you __________________( do ) very well .

VII.Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź A, B lub C.

1.I __________________________ tennis regularly since 2002.
A: play B: have been playing C: am playing
2.There is a demonstration in the town centre today. People ____________________ against unemployment.
A: protest B: had protested C: are protesting
3.Here is a letter for you. Somebody _____________________ it an hour ago.
A: has brought B: brought C: was bringing
4.Mr Brown, who ___________________in our school for many years, retires next year.
A: was teaching B: has been teaching C: teaches

VIII.Przekształć podane zdania na stronę bierną.

1.They have never published his last novel.
His _____________________________________________
2.Somebody gave Susan beautiful roses for her birthday.
3.They will announce the results next week.
The results________________________________________

IX.Wybierz poprawną formę czasownika w I trybie wrunkowym.

1.If you ( leave / will leave ) your bike unlocked, somebody ( steals / will steal ) it!
2.We ( don't buy / won't buy ) a new car if ther bank ( doesn't give / won't goive ) us a loan.
3.I'm afraid we ( need / will need ) to cancel the concert if we ( don't sell / won't sell more tickets.

X.Przepisz poniższe zdania używając spójnika unless tak, aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego.

1. I won't speak to him if he doesn't apologise to me.

2.You'll pass the drinving test easily if you don't get too nervous.

XI.Wybierz poprawne formy z nawiasów.

1.If there ( were / would be ) more places to go here , I ( didn't get / wouldn't get ) bored so often.
2.My dad doesn' t know I smoke. If he ( did // would ), he ( was / would

XII.Zaznacz poprawne wyrażenie typu nieprawdaż w poniższych zdaniach.

1.You don't think it's a good idea, do you / don't you?
2.You've got my book today, have you / haven't you?

XIII.Prepisz podane pytania ogólne w formie pytań pośrednich używając spójnika if lub whether.

1.Have you finished the essay?
I'd like to know _______________________________________

2.Would you like to see this apartment today?
I wonder ____________________________________________

XIV.Przepisz podane zdania w mowie zależnej zgodnie z zasadami następstwa czasów.

1. ”Mark hasn't phoned yet.”, my brother said to her.
My brother told her _________________________________________________________

2.”Do you like your new doctor?, she asked us.
She asked us __________________________________________________________

3.„Sit still”, the dentist said to his patient.
The dentist told his patient_______________________________________________

XV.Każde z poniższych zdań zawira jeden bład. Znajdż go i zaznacz. Po czym napisz zdanie poprawnie.

1.My money were here on the desk!

2.I need more informations before I make a decision.

3.There were only a little students at the school disco.

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