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Numer: 7976
Dział: Języki obce

Short Test for class II - Unit 9 Success Intermediate - reported speech

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna

I. Wstaw tell lub say.

1.All the doctors say there's nothing wrong with me.
2. Did you tell Nancy how to get there?

3.Did you ___________her everything was going to be fine?
4.I want to __________ that you are not right.
5.Why didn't you _____________ him what you were plasnning to do after graduating high school?
6.I think you should _________them you won't come to school tomorrow.

II.Zamień pytania na mowę zależną. ( Zastosuj SVO )

1.Why has Tina gone home?
He wanted to know _____________________________________________
2.Will there be enough time?
A French couple asked ___________________________________________
3.How often do the buses go?
A Japanese students wanted to know ___________________________________________
4.Can you type quickly?
She asked me ________________________________________________________

III.Zamień polecenia na mowę zależną.

1.You should work harder.
The teacher told him ______________________________________
2.Turn the music down
The teacher asked him ____________________________________
3.Don't do it in such a way!
The teacher asked them _______________________________________
4.Don't use this screwdriver because it is dangerous.
The mechanictold thim ______________________________________

IV.Zamień zdania oznajmujące na mowę zależną. W niektórych nie musisz zmieniać czasu gramatycznego. Pamiętaj o ewentualnej zmianie zaimków osobowych i określeń czasu )

1.We've travelled here by car.
Toby said _________________________________________
2.I'll see you at the coffee bar..
She told me __________________________________________________
3.I'm going out with Ingrid but last month I was going out with Karen.
My friend said ____________________________________________
4.The sun sets in the west.
The teacher said ________________________________________________

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