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Numer: 771
Dział: Języki obce

English drama

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna


Nauka języka obcego w szkole okazuje się często dla ucznia zadaniem trudnym, a nawet przerastającym jego siły, szczególnie w przypadku ucznia mniej zdolnego, dysfunkcyjnego lub z problemem komunikacji w grupie. Wyjściu naprzeciw oczekiwaniom ucznia i dla osiągnięcia celu edukacyjnego pod hasłem "English for life" służy stosowanie atrakcyjnych form kształcenia językowego, a wśród nich aktywnych metod z wykorzystaniem technik dramy.

ENGLISH DRAMA - drama rozwojowa

W ramach projektu oświatowo-wychowawczego "Angielski za miastem", realizowanego w programie "English Teaching - Follow Me" w latach 2000/2001 i 2002/2003 przeprowadziłam cykl zajęć z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnych metod nauczania języka angielskiego. Ich nadrzędnym celem było dostarczenie każdemu uczestnikowi możliwości twórczego rozwiązywania problemów, promowanie nieszablonowego myślenia, poprzez pracę zespołową - wdrażanie metod efektywnej współpracy, wyrabiając w uczestnikach poczucie własnej wartości i szacunek dla innych. Ukoronowaniem pracy uczestników jest uczestnictwo w Pomorskim Festiwalu Twórczości Dzieci i Młodzieży "Angielski za miastem".

Przygotowanie przedstawienia jest zajęciem głównie dla uczniów, a rola nauczyciela sprowadza się do koordynacji, pomocy i zachęty ofiarowanej uczniom., wykonywania zadań inspiratora i animatora.

Etapy pracy z uczniami i zasady działania:

"nabór do grup twórczego myślenia - przyjmujemy wszystkich ochotników, bez względu na ich umiejętności językowe, pozwalamy stworzyć własne grupy uczniów o zróżnicowanych zdolnościach artystycznych,

"trening przygotowawczy - burza mózgów, improwizacje i działania spontaniczne, nie pozwalając na krytykę, zachęcając do dzielenia się pomysłami i elaboracji oraz ich oceny; słownictwo angielskie wprowadzane jest jako naturalny element tematyczny zadania,

"stworzenie scenariusza, scenografii i kostiumów w pracy grupowej - zajęcia przeprowadzane według schematu: budowanie zaufania (gry i zabawy) - wyznaczenie celu - współpraca (grupy przypadkowo dobrane, improwizacje, nie kreuje się gwiazd) - wyraz artystyczny ,

"udział w festiwalu - przedstawienie poddane jest ocenie przez komisję ekspertów; oceniana jest pomysłowość, skuteczność i oryginalność, jakość przedstawienia (słyszalność, ruch, prezencja sceniczna), wiersz lub piosenka, plakat i utrzymanie reżimu czasowego.

Prezentuję scenariusze przedstawień przygotowanych przez uczniów pod moim kierunkiem, z których pierwszy zawiera się w projekcie "My Encounters with nature" pod hasłem "Przyroda - domem dla ptaków".



IDEAL BIRD - Karolina Koszałka
OWL - NARRATOR - Karolina Tutkowska
SWAN (artistic bird) - Monika Mendel
GOLDFINCH - Alina Kuchta
KINGFISHER 1 - Marzena Jankowska
KINGFISHER 2 - Beata Skiba
HERON - Anna Tuszyńska
WOODCUTTER - Mikołaj Mrozek
WILLOW A - Karolina Radomska
WILLOW B - Bartek Adamczyk
WILLOW C - Bartek Talaśka
TREE 1 - Mirka Nazaruk
TREE 2 - Wioletta Petta
TREE 3 - Kasia Kitowska
FLOWER 1 - Marlena Reiter
FLOWER 2 - Anna Malc


(Spring. Trees and Flowers wake up. Stream and Willow. Music in the background and sounds of birds.)

OWL : Everybody listen! Listen to a story about a fast flowing stream, old Willow and colourful flowers growing on the meadow... Spring comes!...

CHORUS : All birds now are chirping,

Goldfinch on the tree

That picks up his fiddle

For you and for me.

And that's what you hear -

The bright singing sound:


Twit-twit all around.

OWL: Now, that's brisk Goldfinch softly whistling...

(Goldfinch flies in and looks around.)

IDEAL BIRD : Goldfinch!...Goldfinch!... Come up to the Willow!...

(Shows the way to Willow.)

GOLDFINCH : Drinking morning dew

Is just the thing to do.

A green leaf tips-

I take a sip!

Oh! What else can I see?

A fatty breakfast whizzing by!

So I will open wide my beak

For little bug to fly inside!

(Tries to catch the insect and then moves aside.)


(Kingfishers come.)

IDEAL BIRD : Kingfishers, little blue birdies! Look! Here's the right place for you... This way...

(IB shows the way to Willow.)

KINGFISHER 1 : Look! A quiet stream is flowing

And the bank seems soft and steep...

KINGFISHER 2 ; In the Willow roots down growing

We can build a tunnel deep!


(Kingfishers watch the stream and listen to Willow.)

WILLOW : Kingfisher, Kingfisher... Stay here, stay...


(Heron appears.)

OWL ; Watch who comes! Long-legged yellow-beaked Heron the fish-eater...

(Wind starts blowing. Trees and Flowers sway.)

IDEAL BIRD : Heron, Heron! You'll find plenty of fish in the stream by the old Willow!...

WILLOW : Fish...fish... plenty of fish... Come, come...

(Heron approaches Kingfishers who try to catch fish.)

KINGFISHER 1 : We are fishermen on the shore.

You know what we're looking for?

KINGFISHER 2 : We need a fish, a tasty dish!

But is the fish just a wish?...

(Heron and Kingfishers want some fish. Heron pulls big fish out of water, Kingfishers catch little ones. Heron laughs.)

KINGFISHER 1 : Wow.wow, I can see you're not much of a hunter!

KINGFISHER 2 : You neither, my dear, you neither!

HERON : Hey, you two! Follow my steps!...

(They look for fish again.)


(Swan comes now.)

IDEAL BIRD : Swan the Queen looking so noble, here's the smoothest and cleanest water for you to settle down...

(Birds admire Swan.)

GOLDFINCH : What a lovely bird!

KINGFISHERS : Beautiful! Absolutely perfect!

HERON : How magnificent!

SWAN : Can you see my feather and fluff?

I look like a queen, proud and tough!

Tell me, who in all the world is fairest

And has beauty of the rearest?

(All birds are delighted.)

HERON : Of course, you are!

KINGFISHERS : No doubt you are! You are the queen!

GOLDFINCH : That's right, that's right!

WILLOW : Sure... Sure... It's your kingdom.... Yes, it is...


OWL : And so life goes on... But alas!... Who's that? Oh, trees, my poor trees!...

(Woodcutter comes with his axe. He notices Ideal Bird and tears one feather out of him. IB screams. Woodcutter comes up to Willow, frightened birds escape and sit at a side.)

WOODCUTTER : Here you are, old Willow! I'll make long wide boards of you for a new table.

(Woodcutter starts cutting Willow.)

WILLOW : Oh, it hurts!

FLOWERS : It hurts so much!

WILLOW : I will die!

FLOWERS : It will die!

WILLOW : Save me, please!

FLOWERS : Save it, please!

IDEAL BIRD : Let's rescue the tree!

BIRDS : Let's rescue the tree!

(They rush towards Woodcutter and try to stop him.)

IDEAL BIRD : Don't cut down the Willow, please!

SWAN : Don't you know I can't do without the shade?

KINGFISHERS : Don't kill the tree! There's our nest in the roots!

HERON : Go away!

GOLDFINCH : Take your axe and go away!

(Woodcutter is moved and stops cutting.)

WOODCUTTER : Willow, old Willow, I didn't know you were the shelter for so many birds!...


OWL : And so the story ends. Friendship and happiness have been by the stream ever since. Between birds and people and in all nature in the world...

CHORUS : (song) Stay here, wait a minute, all birds are with you,

Owl, Heron, Kingfisher come to the rescue.

Call Swan and the Goldfinch - it's still worth a try,

Enjoy peace and quiet, don't tell us goodbye!

(All actors sing the song.)


Scenariusz przedstawienia zrealizowanego w kolejnym projekcie pt. "Myths and Legends of Pomerania" - "Moje spotkanie z legendą pomorską" nawiązującym do tradycji, literatury i sztuki kaszubskiej i będące przykładem regionalnych źródeł inspiracji dla podnoszenia kwalifikacji językowych.




DEVIL - Sylwia Rychert
WITCH the QUEEN (TELMA) - Marzena Kowalska
WITCH 1 (HILDA) - Paulina Rychert
WITCH 2 (POISIE) - Ewa Makurat
WITCH 3 (ZELDA) - Teresa Leszkowska
WITCH 4 (RIBBIE) - Monika Rybakowska


ELDEST - Tomasz Klawikowski
LENGTHY - Sylwia Niedziółka
THICKER - Magdalena Nikel
SHORTY - Tatiana Zwara
BOOBY - Anna Browarczyk


WIFE 1 - Blanka Zaworska
WIFE 2 - Marta Formela

BANK ACCOUNTANT - Mariola Kaczmarek
NARRATOR - Dominika Zimlińska


(Cave with inscriptions TREASURE DEPARTMENT , HEAD MANAGER and ACCOUNTANCY. Devil is the manager, Accountant counts money.)

NARRATOR: Have you ever heard of witches' savings hidden deep in a cave and guarded by Devil? They come here every year to hold a council and check their money...

(3 Witches arrive on their brooms.)

QUEEN: Hello, you two! Nice to see you again!

WITCH 1 - HILDA : Nice to see you, too, Your Majesty!

WITCH 2 - POISIE: How's the life, Your Highest? How are you this year?

QUEEN : Not bad, thanks. But, can you imagine? There was a man cheeky enough to call my broom a useless pipe when I was flying over the town!

WITCH 1 - HILDA: No, really?

WITCH 2 -POISIE: Oh, what a shame! And what did you do?

QUEEN : I turned him into a rook!

WITCHES 1 and 2 : He he he !

WITCH 2 -POISIE: He got his deserts!

WITCH 1 -HILDA: It couldn't be better! Look! Zelda and Ribbie are coming!

(2 other witches appear. Meanwhile, Eldest comes secretly and hides aside.)

QUEEN : Any good news, my dear?

WITCH 3 -ZELDA: Oh, yes! I've just prepared a mixture of 2 dead frogs, viper's poison and some mud as a gift for the Boss.

WITCHES 1,2 and 4: Oh, terrific!/ Great!/ Sounds delicious!

QUEEN : And you, Ribbie?

WITCH 4 - RIBBIE: Oh, bad luck! I was flying over the speed limit in town and had to pay a fine, so now, I'm bankrupt.

WITCHES 1,2,3 and 4: Me too!/ So am I!/ I'm broke, too!

WITCH 4 - RIBBIE: Let's get some money from our accounts!

(Witches go to Treasure Department and draw out money.)

DEVIL : My witches! I'd like you to be a bit more economical. Remember! Don't waste your power and don't give your money away!

(Witch 3 gives mixture to Devil.)

DEVIL : Mmmm... Very tasty, perfect flavour!

(Accountant hands in money to Witches.)

ACCOUNTANT : One dollar, two dollars... And some cash in euro, as we are trying to join

the European Union... Zloty is also money! Don't grumble, take it!

(Witches put money into their bags.)


(Peasants sit, drink and eat. Inscription HOLIDAY INN.)

PEASANTS : Good food!/ First class drinks!/ Help yourself!

ELDEST : Listen to me, old caps! Yesterday evening I was walking back home from the fair and I took a path by the Devil's cave!

BOOBY : So you must have seen witches! Were you frightened?

ELDEST : You know me, I'm not a coward!

SHORTY : I'm sure it was Devil helping witches count their money!

LENGTHY : Money, money! Think of how much we could buy if only we had it!

THICKER : Very much! But how can we get it? They say the money burns people's hands and makes pockets burst in flames!

ELDEST : I've an idea! We'll take shovels and leather sacks with salty water. Then we'll put the money into them , and - it's ours!

(Wives come to bring their husbands back home.)

WIFE 1 : You, Eldest, you've got enough of that fun. There's a lot to do at home. Time to milk the cows after all and chop the wood. Come on!

WIFE 2 : And you, Booby, get down to work at last. You're always sitting here doing nothing. Stand up and go back home!

WIFE 1 and 2 : Thicker, Shorty, Lenghty! Are you going to stay in that bloody inn long? Move on! Off you go!

(All of them leave.)


(Peasants take their equipment and walk through the forest until they reach the cave. Witches are there, having fun and playing tricks. Queen approaches the gate.)

QUEEN : Abracadabra, gold of devil, mountain evil, blasted trap, open up!

(Gate opens and witches take their bags out of the cave.)

THICKER : Look! She has the money!

SHORTY : Oh, yes! Shoot at the bag! Come on, be brave!

(They shoot at witches' bags and money pours out. Witches notice nothing.)

ELDEST : Wow! It's dollars!

BOOBY : No, it's euro!

LENGTHY : No, not only, I'm afraid. (Disappointed while collecting Polish zlotys.) Anyway, let's get out of here! Quickly!

(Witches disappear. Peasants hide their treasure.)

SONG (All actors sing.)


(Forest. Peasants gather again.)

SHORTY : No money in our pockets! I can't stand it any longer!

THICKER : Let's try our trick once more! Ready, steady, go!

(They approach the cave.)

ELDEST : Abracadabra, gold of devil, mountain evil, blasted trap, open up!

(Gate opens. Peasants want to walk inside, but they suddenly see Devil.)

DEVIL : What are you doing here?

LENGTHY : Oh, no! It's Devil!

DEVIL : I'm asking what you, dirty fools, are doing here?

BOOBY : We are... we are... We are running away!

( Peasants try to escape but fail.)

DEVIL : Now you know the secret spell and, believe me, you must stay here for ever!

PEASANTS : Oh, no!

DEVIL : Oh, yes, I said so!

(Devil hits them with his spade. They turn into five pines.)

NARRATOR : And so the story ends. There have been five pine-trees at the foot of the mountain ever since...

ACCOUNTANT : And everybody who needs some cash can come to our Treasure Department and open an account. We are at your service!


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