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Numer: 7678

Zasady opisu ilustracji na ustnym egzaminie maturalnym z języka angielskiego

Zasady i elementy opisu ilustracji

ustny egzamin maturalny, poziom podstawowy

Kto? Gdzie? Co robi?
1. In the picture I can see ......
In the photo I can see ......
The picture shows ......
The photo shows ......

There is a ...... on the right / on the left.
There are some ...... on the right / on the left.

2. Opis postaci.
Wiek He is about 40 years old.
Budowa ciała He is rather slim and quite short.
Oczy i włosy He has got small dark eyes and short, straight, brown hair.
Ubiór He is wearing ......
Co robi He’s holding a glass and talking to a woman. She is .....

3. Prawa i lewa strona oraz drugi plan ilustracji.
In the foreground I can see ......
In the middle (distance) I can see ......
In the background there is a ......

4. Ewentualny opis pogody
I think it’s a quite nice weather because the sun is shining.

5. Podsumowanie opisu (własna opinia na temat ilustracji)
In my opinion they are ......
I think it’s ......
It may be ...... / It can be......
They must be ......
As far as I can tell ......
I would say they are married.
It looks interesting. / It looks they are a family.
It seems the weather is great.

In the picture I can see a boy and a girl. They are sitting at the table in a restaurant.
The boy on the right is about 17. He’s got very short, straight hair. He’s wearing a brown anorak. I think it’s winter.
The girl on the left is at the same age. She’s got long tied up hair.She’s wearing a red anorak.
In my opinion they are a brother and a sister because they’re very similar.
In the background there are some lit posters on the wall and some green chairs.
It seems they are waiting for food they ordered. As far as I can tell it’s a fast food restaurant. They aren’t talking, they look bored.

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