Numer: 6881
Dział: Języki obce

Konkurs z j. angielskiego dla kl. V


1.Podaj nazwy narodowości do podanych nazw państw:
Poland-........................ Great Britain-........................ Germany-.................................
Greece-........................ China-........................

2.Zakreśl właściwe słowo:

a) Is / Are they eleven?
b) I is / am from Poland.
c) This is my sister’s / sisters’ cat.
d) How / What old are you?
e) There are / is many students in our school.
f) She has got / have got blue eyes.
g) This is Ann and his / her sister.
h) Where / When is your mum?
i) The book is in / on the computer.
j) I can / see play the piano.
k) She visit / visits her aunt every week.
l) Does / Do your father like football?
m) Do / Don’t drop litter in the park!
n) It’s five time / o’clock.
o) We do / don’t go to school on Sunday.

3. Ułóż pytania do podanych odpowiedzi:
a) -........................................
- No, she isn’t from Germany.
b) -........................................
-My name is Paul.
c) -........................................
-It’s a rubber.
d) -........................................
-Yes, they are my pens.
e) -........................................
-What nationality are you?

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