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Numer: 6820

Plural forms and gender - język angielski, poziom zaawansowany

PLURAL AND GENDER – gap filling

1. Which of these nouns forms plural in a regular way – ‘calf’ of ‘chief”? C __ __ __ __
2. Give the name of an insect (singular) whose plural is similar in form to ‘mice’?
__ __ U __ __
3. Which of these can have a double plural form – ‘scarf’ or ‘shelf”? S __ __ __ __
4. You're bound to see them eating grass high up in the mountains. __ H __ __ __
5. Members of a religious group are often referred to as ...... B __ __ __ H __ __ __
6. The plural of 'a stimulus'. __ __ I __ __ __ __
7. Which of these never appears in plural - 'bachelor' or 'progress'?
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
8. The plural of 'a ghetto'. G __ __ __ __ __ __
9. HCl, H2SO4 are the only chemistry ...... I remember from school.
__ __ __ M __ __ A __
10. This butterfly has got extremely long...... on its head. A __ __ __ __ __ A __
11. My table in the living room is so huge that I need three table .............. to cover it.
C __ __ __ __ S
12. There were two .............. at the end of the book, which turned out to be very useful.
I __ __ E __ __ S
13. A woman who has never married is called a .................. __ P __ N __ __ __ __
14. Because of the idea of political ................. 'a fireman' has turned into 'a fire fighter'.
__ O __ R __ C __ __ E __ __
15. The masculine of 'a widow' is a ................ __ __ __ O __ __ __
16. The feminine of 'a fox' is a .................... __ __ X __ __
17. The masculine of 'a witch' is a ...................... __ __ Z __ __ __
18. The singular of 'criteria' is a .................. C __ __ __ __ R __ __ __
19. Which of these never appears in plural - 'advice' or 'slice'? __ __ __ __ C __
20. Which of these has only a plural form - 'crises' or 'scales'? __ __ __ __ E __
21. Which of these is NOT plural - 'lice', 'oxen' or 'news'? __ __ __ __
22. What do you call the following nouns: 'a passer-by', 'a mother-in-law', 'a rose garden', 'a garden rose'? C __ __ __ __ U __ __ S
23. The singular of 'analyses' is an ..................... A __ __ __ __ S __ __
24. What do you call the grammatical gender which uses the pronoun 'it'? __ __ U __ __ R
25. The feminine of 'a drake' is a .................... __ __ C __
26. Which of these shows no difference between a feminine and a masculine form - 'sultan' or 'parent'? __ __ __ __ __ __
27. Which of these items is always plural - 'cousins' or 'clothes'? C __ __ __ __ __ S
28. Is the word 'police' singular or plural in English? __ __ __ __ A __

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