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Numer: 6805

Gazetka w języku angielskim


No.4. Dec. /January, 2009/ 2010

1. The History of Christmas Wafer
2. Wishes on Christmas and New Year
3. My Best Friend
4. Puzzle Page
5. An Interview
6. My Idol
7. Mini Dictionary- English Polish


The word Bethlehem means “House of Bread.” The breaking of the bread is a sign of charity, unity, and friendship. One of these beautiful Christmas customs is the Christmas Wafer- a custom originating in Poland and spreading throughout Eastern Europe and around the world. A wafer made of unleavened bread, and a bearing a simple design commemorative of Christ’s birth, is broken by the head of the family and distributed to each member of the family. With a prayer for God’s grace and the Welfare of the present and absent members of the family, the head family member breaks the wafer and distributes it, a piece to each one at the table. While doing so each member of the family is kissed and wished a joyful feast. The other family members then greet one another in the same way.
The spiritual lesson in this age old custom is unity of the family- the main pillar of society. The bond of unity is the Christ-like charity that should exist amongst the members of the family. All this brings to mind clearly our charity to one another, to seek salvation together.
In many working areas in Poland people share Christmas wafer a few days before Christmas. The workmates act as a family. In our school sharing of opłatek takes place every year as you can see in the picture below.

mgr Hassan Hayeshi


If you want to send someone some wishes you may choose one or more of the following wishes. You can use them as cues ( ściągi ) if you aren’t still able to write in English.
1. Christmas greetings and all good wishes for your health and happiness in the coming year.
2. Dear Family! I love you and that is why I send this card. With lots of greetings. Yours.......!
3. Holiday greetings and best wishes for a New year of happiness in a world of peace.
4. I wish you a Merry Christmas, many gifts from Santa Claus and a Happy New year.
5. In the beauty of the season, in the joy of Christmas Day, May you find a special meaning that brings happiness on your way.
6. In the peaceful joys of Christmas, in the stars that shine above , in the wonder of the season, in the gift of God’s great love.... May you find hope and promise that will fill this Christmas season with very special happiness for you! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
7. It’s the time of the year to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
8. May His coming bring you peace and blessings this Christmas.
9. May Peace, Hope and Love be with you Today, Tomorrow and Always Merry Christmas.
10. May the Beauty of this season bring you peace and joy now and throughout the coming year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and God Bless.
11. May the blessings of Christmas be yours and happiness fill each day of the new year.
12. May the Love, Peace and Joy of Christmas be yours always. Love came down on Christmas Day so many years ago and brought the greatest happiness the world would ever know ....... Peace came down on Christmas Day to fill the hearts of men with all the sweet tranquility each Christmas brings again....... Joy came down on Christmas Day as angels came to earth heralding the miracle of our Messiah’s birth.
13. May the peace of the Lord fill your soul , May the Love of God fill your heart, May the Light of the Lamb shine upon your path, May Hope Eternal guide you through the world, May Christmas remain with you each and everyday.
14. Merry Christmas, smile at face, many sunny days and everything the best.
15. One of the real joys of the holiday season is the opportunity to say thank you for being a part of our lives and to wish you the very best for the new year.
16. One shining start to make the world bright, One infant child on that wonderful night, One little prayer for those we hold dear, To bless you at Christmas and all through the year.
17. Thanks God it’s Christmas! I wish you all the best. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
18. The magic of Christmas never ends and its greatest of gifts are family and friends...... Best Wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
19. Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a Very Happy New Year.......
20. With Christmas greetings and all good wishes for the New Year to you all!

By Klaudia Buławska kl. IVC

1. Which wishes do you like best?
2. Have you ever tried to send some wishes to someone in English? If not, why?
3. Which one/ones resemble Polish wishes?

mgr Hassan Hayeshi

Happy Christmas

To those we love and see each day and other Loved ones for away to all good friends who mean so much, and those with whom we’re of touch....... Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy New Year.

By Weronika Węgrzyniak

Dear Ola,
May the Love,, Peace and Joy of Christmas be yours always. Love came down on Christmas Day so many years ago and brought the greatest happiness the world would ever know...... Peace came down on Christmas Day to fill the hearts of men with all the sweet tranquility each Christmas brings again....... Joy came down on Christmas Day as angels come to earth heralding the miracle of our Messiah’s birth 2010
Your friend, Karolina Kołpak class IVB

Dear Mr. Hayeshi,
Thank God it’s Christmas
We wish You all the best.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2010
Your pupil, Natalia Denisiuk class ivb

Dear Łukasz,
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Jakub 4B

Dear Classmates,
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Have a great time with your family and enjoy your presents.
Yours, Marysia Potocka


My best friend and I go to the same class. His name is Darek. H e is short and thin. He has got very short fair hair and blue eyes. He’s also got very small and funny ears. Darek likes laughing and he always tries to play a joke to somebody Darek is a good pupil. He likes computers, sports and television. He can play computer games for hours When I am sad, Darek tells me some funny stories which make us laugh. We often spend time together. We go cycling or play other sports. We sometimes go to the cinema or go for a walk. We like talking about computers, cars and films.

By Piotr Dymowski kl. IVB

1. Can you describe your friend as Piotr did?
2. What do you and your friend like?
3. What other things can you and your friend do?
mgr Hassan Hayeshi


Look for the words according to the cues

y w h i t e u s b
j r q p k n a t d
a b c h a i r a g
b l e a q f g n i
g d s i n r e d t
d a d r z n o c w
e t w a x o l k r

1.It is on the head
2. We sit on the ...................
3. Look ........... that cat.
4. Don’t sit down, ..............up please.
5. We ............. Christmas songs on Christmas Eve
6. ... is a pen
7. Mum and ..........
8. Polish flag is .............. and .................


1. What is three and ten?
2. What is twenty minus five?
3. What is three times ten?
4. What is sixteen divided by eight?
5. How many sides has a square got?
6. How many sides has a rectangle got?
7. How many sides has a triangle got?
8. How many sides has a circle got?
9. What is twenty plus twenty?

mgr Hassan Hayeshi


The interview took place on 18th Dec, 2009.

Bartosz: Goodmorning. My name is Bartek Lesiuk I’m in class Ve.
Vice Headmistress: Goodmorning
Bartosz: I would like to make a short interview as you are a new teacher
and Vice-headmistress in our school.
V-H: Okay. Sit down
Bartosz: What is your name?
V-H: I am Mrs. Owczaruk Monika
Bartosz: Where are you from?
V-H: I am from Biała Podlaska
Bartosz: What do you like doing in your free time?
V-H: I like reading books
Bartosz: What do you think about our school?
V-H: It is a nice school. The buildings are beautiful
Bartosz: What about the children? Do you like working with them?
V-H: Yes, I do.
Bartosz: Christmas is coming. What do you like about it?
V-H: I like everything.
Bartosz: Thank you very much
V-H: You are welcome

By Bartek Lesiuk

Make a dialogue with your friend. One asks and the other one answers about:
1 Name
2. Surname
3. Age
4. Occupation-What do you do?
5, Hometown-Address
6. Nationality
7. Likes / Dislikes
8. Family
9. Contact-Tel. Number/ Mobile/ E-mail number

mgr Hassan Hayeshi


EDYTA By: Filip

Build: Slim
Eye colour: Light-brown
Hair colour: Dark-brown-dark
Date of birth: November, 14 1972
Birthplace: Ziebice
Star sign: Scorpion
Nationality: Polish
Occupation: Singer
Claim to fame: Eurovision song contest in 1999
1. above= nad, powyzej2. ago = temu3. amongst = wśród, pośród4. around = około5. beauty = piękność6. bearing = zachowanie, postawa7. birth = urodzenie8. bless = błogosławić9. blessing = błogosławieństwo10. bread = chleb11. breaking = przerwanie12. bring = przyprowadzić13. came/come = przyjść14. charity = charytatywna15. coming = nadchodzący16. commemorative = pamiętkowy17. contest = współzawodniczyć18. customs = zwyczaj19. distribute = rozdać20. each = każdy21. eternal = nieśmiertelny, wieczny22. faith = wiara23. fame = sława24. fill = napełnić25. friendship = przyjażń26. gift = presenty27. grace = wdzięk, gracja28. greetings = pozdrowienia29. guide = pokierować, daradca30. happy = szczęśliwy31. happiness = szczęcia32. health = zdrowia33. heralding =34. hope = mieć nadzieje, nadziej35. joy = radość36. lamb = jagnię, baranek 37. laugh =śmiać 38. light =jasny, lekki39. meaning = znaczenie40. member = członek41. miracle = cuda42. one another = jeden za drugi43. opportunity = okazja44. originating = pochodzenie45. path = droga46. peace =pokój47. peaceful = spokojny48. piece = kawałek49. pillar = filar50. prayer = modlitwo51. remain = pozostać52. remind = przypomnieć53. sad = smutny54. salvation = zbawienie, ratunek55. same = takie samo56. seek = poszukiwać57. shine = świecić58. sign = znak, podpisać59. soul = dusza60. spiritual = duchowy61. spreading = rozprzestrzenie62. thoughts = myśl63. throughout = cały64. together = razem65. tranquility = spokoj, cisza66. unity = jedność67. unleavened = bez drożdży ( chleb )68. upon = na69. wafer = opłatek70. warmest / warm = ciepło71. welfare = dobro, dobrobyt, opieka społeczna72. wishes = życzenia

By Aleksandra Mikitiuk

CO-EDITORS: Bartek Lesiuk , Ola Mikitiuk , Klaudia Buławska, Zuzana Makarewicz ,
Filip Stanczuk and Krystian Małocha

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