Numer: 6558
Dział: Języki obce

Scenariusz przedstawienia "All about Christmas"

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna


W grudniu, w roku szkolnym 2008-2009 przygotowałam przedstawienie w języku angielskim „All about Christmas” z okazji Mikolajek. W przedstawieniu wzięli udział uczniowie klasy II i III. Program układałam wokół tematu „Święta Bożego Narodzenia w Wielkiej Brytanii”.
Przygotowując scenariusz miałam na celu:
-zainteresować scenariuszem wykonawców, by oni – angażując się w występ – zainteresowali z kolei widza;
-zapoznać widzów z tradycjami obchodzenia Świąt Bożego Narodzenia w Wielkiej Brytanii;
-podać treść w miarę przystępnie ( dlatego na lekcjach języka angielskiego były omawiane te tematy );
-kształtować dążenie do wiedzy;
-włączyć do przygotowań jak największą liczbę uczniów.


Teacher: Welcome to our Christmas party! Good morning everybody. We are going to speak about Christmas, English traditions on that day. Of course, today you’ll hear jokes, songs and poetries. But is there Christmas party without Father Christmas? I think, there isn’t. Am I right? Well, imagine yourselves that we are in England now.But... where is Santa Claus? Let’s ask him. You must say:

One, two, three Santa Claus, come to me!

/the students shout 3 times and Santa Claus comes/.

Santa Claus: Here I am. Good morning everybody! I’m glad to see you. I see, you are ready to celebrate Christmas day. But I’d like to make sure if you know anything about Christmas.

Speaker I: Yes, of course.

Santa Claus:So tell me. When do we celebrate Christmas ?

Speaker I:Christmas is on the 25-th of December. It is the greatest holiday in Britain.British celebrate this holiday with big dinners. Children have much fun.Everybody spends time with their family, find presents in their Christmas stockings, eat Christmas puddings, watch pantomimes. English have a lot of
interesting Christmas traditions.

Santa Claus:Well, but are there any symbols of this holiday?

Speaker II: Yes, a lot. It’s Christmas tree. Many, many years ago people began to decorate the evergreen tree with beautiful, bright shining balls ( red, blue, yellow, green, silver ). They place a shining star at the top of the Christmas tree and candles with an angel. And they put bigger presents at the foot of the Christmas tree.

Speaker III: In the evening of the 24-th of December children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds or put them under the Christmas tree. Father Christmas puts presents into them. A Christmas stocking is not a real stocking. It is big and beautifully decorated.

Speaker IV: Christmas dinner is a very important event. This is the big dinner people eat on Christmas day. You know already that they eat Christmas pudding and children put holly on the pudding. They also eat a turkey for Christmas dinner. And the dinner ends with mince pies. Mince pies are small round pies. Children like these sweet pies very much.

Anta Claus: All right! And do you know what holly, mistletoe, robin mean in Polish?

Speaker V: Holly means ‘ostrokrzew’in Polish. It is an evergreen plant with sharp-pointed leaves and red berries. You know already that people put holly on Christmas pudding. They also use holly to decorate their homes. It’s a very old tradition.Long ago people began to put holly in their homes during the dark cold winters. They liked to look at holly and think about the spring and the sun.

Speaker VI: Mistletoe [mislteu] means ‘jemiola’ in Polish. It’s an evergreen plant with small leaves and small white berries. On Christmas Eve there is a bunch of mistletoe in every house. Under this bunch people kiss.

Speaker VII: Robin means ‘rudzik’ in Polish. Many years ago postmen had bright red coats. They looked like robins. At Christmas they brought many Christmas cards.And people began to think about a robin as a Christmas bird. You can see it on almost every Christmas card.

Santa Claus: Well, well. And what do you know about Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day?

Speaker I: Christmas Eve means ‘Wigilia Bożego Narodzenia’. It is on the 24-th of December. On this day everybody is very busy and in a hurry. Offices close at 1 o’clock, but the shops stay open late. On Christmas Eve children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds. They wait for Father Christmas and other miracles.

Speaker II: Christmas Day is on the 25-th of December. British people celebrate this holiday with big dinners. Children have much fun. They play under Christmas trees, find presents in their Christmas stockings, eat Christmas puddings, watch

Speaker III: Boxing Day comes after Christmas Day. It is on the 26-th of December. People do not go to work on that day. They visit friends or go to the theatre.Everybody gives and receives Christmas cards and Christmas boxes.

Speaker IV: And the twelfth day after Christmas Day is called the Twelfth night. It’s on the Eve of the 6-th of January. It is the last day of Yuletide. People eat the Twelfth cake on the Twelfth night. This is a big cake with a coin baked inside. The
person who finds the coin in this piece of cake becomes the king of the Twelfth night.

Santa Claus: Great! I see, you’ve learnt a lot. I know that before Christmas you usually learn a lot of rhymes and songs in your class.I’m tired and I’d like to listen to them.Could you recite them for me? And the best reader will receive a prize. Let’s listen!

/z każdej klasy uczniowie prezentują wiersze w języku angielskim,związane z tematyką Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i Nowego Roku. Przykładowe wiersze:
1.At the New Year party.

New Year Day, happy day,
We are all glad and very gay!
We all dance, and sing and say
“Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!”

2.Around The New Year Tree.

Singing, dancing, merrily,
Round the New Year tree
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Round the New Year tree.
Happy New Year, my friends,
Happy New Year, today
Let us dance hands in hands.
I will show you the way.

3. New Year.

New things to learn,
New friends to meet,
New songs to sing,
New joys to greet.
New things to see,
New things to hear,
New things to do,
In this glad New Year.

4. My New Year Wish.

A happy New Year to you,
A happy New Year to me,
A happy New Year to all our friends
Wherever they may be.
A happy New Year to school,
And to our teacher, too.
A happy New Year to everyone,
And I wish my wish comes true!

5. Snow.

The snowflakes are falling
By ones and by twos,
There is snow on my coat
And snow on my shoes.
There is snow on the plants
And snow on the trees,
And snowflakes all round me
Like many white bees.

6. On the Ice.

Slide, slide, the ice is strong,
Quickly, quickly slide along!
Slide along and don’t be slow,
In the cold your face will glow!
Slide along, slide very fast,
It’s the shame to be the last.

7. ***

I saw three ships come sailing by,
Come sailing by, come sailing by,
I saw three ships come sailing by,
On New Year’s day in the morning.
And what do you think was in them then,
Was in them then, was in them then?
And what do you think was in them then,
On New Year’s day in the morning?

Three pretty girls were in them then,
Were in them then, were in them then,
Three pretty girls were in them then,
On New Year’s day in the morning.
One could whistle, and one could sing,
And one could play on the violin;
Such joy there was at my wedding,
On New Year’s day in the morning.


We wish you a Marry Christmas x3
And a Happy New Year!/

Santa Claus: Well, I think everybody told us the poems very well. You are really good at them!!! That's why all of you will receive something. Come
here and take some souvenirs. And now let’s play. I’ll ask you some puzzles and you will try to guess them. Be careful, who is the first, he is the best.

-A little old woman with twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot. What is it?
-What year lasts only one day?
/the New Year/

-Which month of the year is the shortest?
/May. It has only three letters/

-On what day of the year do children talk least?
/On the 22-nd of December because it’s the shortest day of the year/
-What man cannot live inside the house?
/Snowm /
/za prawidłową odpowiedź Święty Mikolaj wręcza nagrody/.

Santa Clause: I think, you have a good time here, so I prepare some games for you. The first game is called a musical chair. It’s the game where players go round of chairs when the music is played. When it stops playing, they must sit down.The winner is the player who will manage to sit down on the last chair. Now I need 7 players.
/7 graczy wychodzą , ostatni dostaje nagrodę/.

Santa Clause: The next game is called “The Magic Bag”. You must put your hand into my bag and try to guess what I have in it. But remember you must describe it in English.

/uczestnicy próbują opisać po angielsku daną rzecz i zgadnąć co to jest/

Santa Clause: Well, I gave you a lot of prizes and what do you prepare for me?

Speaker V: We prepared the staging of the tail “Little Red Riding Hood”. Now we’re inviting you and all our schoolmakes to see it.

/uczniowie inscenizują bajkę/

Santa clause: Well, thank you a lot. A wonderful play! I had a good time with you but I’m very tired and it’s high time I came back home. I wish you Marry Christmas and Happy New Year. See you next year!
Good-bye,my dear children!

/uczniowie żegnają Świętego Mikolaja piosenką „Jingle Bells”/

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