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Numer: 6405
Dział: Języki obce

Lesson scenario: How can I get to the museum?

Klasy IV-VI

Aims of the lesson:

The pupil:
-knows the names of town buidings and places
-knows vocabulary connected with asking the way
-reads town plans
-asks questions about the way to different places in town
-answers questions about the way
-cooperates with other pupils

Time:45 min.

-a town plan or a poster with important places marked on it
-a small figure of a man or a small toy car to „go” along streets on the plan
-pictures of town buildings
-small sheets of paper with names of the town buidings

New vocabulary:
bank, hospital, post office, bus station ,railway station, tube station, bus stop, bookshop, theatre, church, swimming pool, bridge, museum go ahead, turn left, turn right, on the left, on the right, go past, go over

Stages of the lesson:

1. The teacher shows the town plan to the pupils and asks them to find their school.

2. The teacher introduces the names of buildings and places using pictures, then writes the names on the blackboard. The pupils copy and repeat
the names after the teacher

3. The pupils look for buildings and places on the town plan and show them.

4. The teacher introduces other new words and phrases by drawing simple signs on the blackboard: a straight arrow –go ahead, an arrow turning left-turn left, ... The teacher writes the phrases on the blackboard, the pupils copy and read aloud.

5. The teacher takes a figure of a man or a toy car , puts it on the plan and asks pupils to tell how to get to a place, par example: „Can you tell me the way to the museum”. The pupils give directions –
„ Go ahead, turn left....”, the teacher moves the figure along the streets on the plan.

6. The teacher asks for 2 volunteers. One of them draws a sheet of paper with a name of a place in town , asks the question:„Can you tell me the way to....?” and takes the figure . The other student gives directions and the figure moves on to a place on the plan. The teacher helps if necessary. Then another pair comes to the plan, draws a name of a place and so on.

7. The teacher asks the pupils to remind all the words and phrases they learnt during the lesson. Every pupil says one word or phrase.

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