Numer: 6284
Dział: Języki obce

Love is the only way out of solitude

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna

TEMAT: Love is the only way out of solitude

1.WARM UP: Uczniowie wypisują słowa które kojarzą im się z miłością, nauczyciel wypisuje zaproponowane przez uczniów słowa na tablicy oraz dopisuje te, których tłumaczeń nie znali uczniowie w języku angielskim

2.LISTENING ACTIVITY: uczniowie sporządzają listę pięciu najpopularniejszych piosenek o miłości w języku angielskim, każdy uczeń czyta tytuły i jeżeli się powtarza piosenka zapisujemy na tablicy
- uczniowie słuchają jednej z najbardziej znanych piosenek o miłości pod tytułem THE POWER OF LOVE Celinne Dion

‘The whispers in the morning Of lovers sleeping
tight Are rolling like ............ now As I look in your eyes
I hold on to your body And feel each move you make
Your voice is warm and tender A love that I could not ................

'Cause I am your lady And you are my Man
Whenever you reach for me I'll do all that I can

Lost is how I'm feeling, ............ in your arms When
the world outside's too Much to Take That all ends
when I'm with you Even................there may be Times
It seems I'm far away Never wonder where I AM
Cause I am always by your side

'Cause I am your lady And you are my Man
Whenever you reach for me I'll do all that I can

Were ............... for something Somewhere Ive never
been Sometimes I am frightened But Im ready to learn
Of the power of love The sound of your heart beating
Made it clear .............. the feeling that I can’t go on
Is light years away

'Cause I am your lady And you are my Man
Whenever you reach for me I'll do all that I can

-nauczyciel dokonuje tłumaczenia piosenki wspólnie z uczniami i sprawdza czy zostały wykorzystane poprawne brakujące słowa

It was half past ten AT night and Janice was alone in the house, Whiting for Her husband to come Home. It was raining heavily outside and the wind was blowing. She was watching TV when the doorbell rang.’’James has lost his keys.’’ She thought as she opened the door.
1............... She was wearing a long white dress under her coat, and she was holding a bouquet of pretty flowers. ‘’Excuse me,’’ the young woman said sweetly. ‘’Would it be all right if I used your phone to call for a taxi?’’ ‘’Oh, yes, of course,’’ Janice replied. ‘’I’ll call one for you now.’’ She went to the telephone, asked the local taxi service to collect the young woman, and returned to the front door. The young woman wasn’t there, but her flowers were lying on the doormat. 2..........................
She sat down on the stairs, puzzled by the young woman’s mysterious disappearance. There was something familiar about the woman, but Janice couldn’t think what it was. When James got home half an hour later, she was still sitting in the stairs with the flowers on her lap. ‘’What’s the matter’’? He asked. ‘’You look as if you have seen a ghost.’’
‘’Perhaps I have’’ she said jokingly. She showed James the flowers, and told him about the stranhe woman. James was going past the guest room, he heard the sound of a clock ticking. ‘’It sounds like the clock my grandparents had when I was a child,’’ James thought, ‘’but that stopped working twenty years ago.’’ He went into the room and turned on the light. His grandparents were no longer alive, but many of their things were still there. James looked around and saw his grandparents’ clock. It was ticking loudly and it showed the correct time.
3.......................... It was a picture of a young couple on their wedding day, with ‘’15th April, 1910’’ written on the photograph. James took the picture and went downstairs.
‘’I know who the young woman was,’’ he said softly, showing Janice the photograph. 4...................
The bride was wearing the same white dress as the young woman, and the flowers she was holding in the photograph were just like the ones Janice had. ‘’My grandmother died before I met you, didn’t she?’’ james said. ‘’Well, that’s her in the photograph - and today is 15th April. It’s her wedding anniversary.’’

-uczniowie dopasowują brakujące fragmenty
a) Janice couldn’t see her anywhere, so she picked up the flowers, went inside and phoned the taxi service again to cancel the call.
b) Janice looked at it and gasped in amazement.
c) Instead of her husband, though, Janice saw a young woman standing there.
d) Then James noticed an old photograph next to the clock.
-uczniowie dokonują tłumaczenia słów, które zostały przedstawione pogrubionym drukiem

4. SPEAKING ACTIVITY – interpretacja wiersza Rupert Brooke: ‘’Love’’

Love is a breach in the walls, a broken gate,
Where that comes in that shall not go again;
Love sells the proud heart's citadel to Fate.
They have known shame, who love unloved. Even then,
When two mouths, thirsty each for each, find slaking,
And agony's forgot, and hushed the crying
Of credulous hearts, in heaven -- such are but taking
Their own poor dreams within their arms, and lying
Each in his lonely night, each with a ghost.
Some share that night. But they know love grows colder,
Grows false and dull, that was sweet lies at most.
Astonishment is no more in hand or shoulder,
But darkens, and dies out from kiss to kiss.
All this is love; and all love is but this.

-zwrócenie uwagi na słownictwo z wiersza np.:

-nauczyciel dzieli uczniów na grupy trzy lub cztero osobowe
-każda z grup postara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie: What is love in Rupert Brooke’s poem?
-uczniowie najciekawszej interpretacji otrzymają plusy

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