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Numer: 6076

Scenariusz lekcji języka angielskiego z wykorzystaniem video w klasie

Level: intermediate
Time: 45 min.

Aims: to develop listening, to practise note-taking, to practise writing, to practice vocabulary connected with sport

Assumed knowledge: a variety of tenses, to be going to, basic vocabulary of sport

Anticipated problems: students may not like sport, they may switch into Polish during producing their summaries, difficulties in understanding authentic language

Solutions: teacher will choose TV sports summaries spoken with RP

Materials: handouts, TV sports news recorded from e.g. BBC World (about 10 min.)

1. The teacher provides the students with a sports quiz. The students’ task is to match the sport or game to the appropriate set of rules (pair work). They check the answers with the teacher.

2. The teacher distributes charts including the questions:
What sport?/
Who competed?/
Who won?/
What was the score or time?.
The students watch a TV sports summary and complete the chart with information from the video. They compare the answers with other students. The teacher plays the sequence again pausing after each piece of news and the students report their answers back to the teacher.

3. The teacher asks the students to work in groups of three. Their task is to write their own sports summaries and then ‘broadcast’ them. After reading all summaries the students choose the best one.

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