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Numer: 5550
Dział: Języki obce

Animal Farm - quiz


Animal Farm- quiz

1.The novel ‘Animal Farm’ is a metaphorical tale about
A World War II
B French revolution
C Russian revolution
D World War I

2. The book reflects events of the Stalin era
A before World War II
B after World War II
C before World War I
D after World War I

3. Who was the author of “Animal Farm”?
A George Byron
B George Orwell
C George Washington
D George Clooney

4. What was George Orwell’s real name
A Adam Maria Smith
B Eric Arthur Blair
C William Shakespeare
D Ernest Hemingway

5 The book was first published
A in 1943 in England
B in 1945 in England
C in 1917 in Russia
D in 1945 in USA

6 The book was number ..... on the list of best 20tth - century novels
A 11
B 21
C 31
D 41

7 The short novella is an allegory in which animals play the roles of
A the Bolshevik revolutionaries
B the writers
C the readers
D other animals

8 The animals overthrow and oust the human owners of the farm and set it up as
A a commune
B a school
C a church
D a prison

9.What is the title of the song that Old Major teaches the animals ?
A Beasts of England
B Beasts of Manor farm
C Beasts of White House
D Beasts of farmhouse

10 The novel describes how a society's ideologies can be manipulated and twisted by ...
A... those in positions of social and political power
B ...writers and journalists
C ...readers
D ...God

11.The novel shows that a utopian society is made
A impossible by the corrupting nature of the power
B possible by the noble nature of the power
C impossible by the nature of animals
D possible by the corrupting nature of the power

12. The pig who spreads Napoleon's propaganda among the other animals is...
A Squealer
B Old Major
C Moses
D Boxer

13. At first, after the rebellion, all animals are
A equal
B enemies
C unequal
D corrupted

14. Which animals in the farm are the first to learn to read, write and walk upright
A pigs
B horses
C cows
D dogs

15. According to Old Major, what is the cause of all the animals’ problems?
A Man is the only real enemy
B Whatever goes on four legs is an enemy
C Whatever has wings is an enemy
D All animals are enemies

16. Where is Boxer sold at the end of the book?
A To a knacker’s
B To a farmer’s
C To a confectioner’s
D To a grocer’s

17. Why don’t the pigs like the pet raven Moses’ stories about Sugarcandy Mountain?
A If the animals believe a fantastic world when they die, they will not rebel against the life they live. B If the animals believe a fantastic world when they die, they will rebel against the life they live C If the animals believe a fantastic world when they die, they will kill themselves.
D If the animals believe a fantastic world when they die, they will pray

18. In Animal Farm, Orwell criticizes a world leader –
A Joseph Stalin
B Vladimir Lenin
C Adolf Hitler
D Leon Trotsky

19. Animal Farm is best described as a cautionary tale against
A communism
B totalitarianism
C Marxism
D National socialism

20. Animal Farm fits all of the following genres except
A satire
B fable
C allegory
D farce

21. What character in Animal Farm represents Karl Marx?
A Old Major
B Benjamin
C Napoleon
D Snowball

22. What character in Animal Farm represents Trotsky?
A Boxer
B Napoleon
C Snowball
D Squealer

23. What character in Animal Farm represents Stalin?
A Frederick
B the Horse-Slaughterer
C Napoleon
D Squealer

24. The dogs in Animal Farm can be said to represent
A secret police
B foreign diplomats
C peasants
D educated elites

25. What character adopts the personal maxim, "I will work harder"?
A Clover
B Benjamin
C Boxer
D Snowball

26. Which of the following is not a slogan in Animal Farm?
A "Four legs good, two legs better"
B "All animals are equal / But some animals are more equal than others"
C "War is peace / Freedom is Slavery / Ignorance is Strength"
D "Long live Comrade Napoleon"

27 Which of the following is/are most clearly an example of propaganda?
A the reductions of rations
A the pigs' decision to wear clothing
C Squealer’s optimistic statistics
D original Seven Commandments

28 Which of the following is NOT one of the Seven Commandments?
A No animal shall sleep in bed
B No animal shall dishonour his father
C No animal shall drink alcohol
D No animal shall kill any other animal

29 The pigs break all of the Seven Commandments EXCEPT
A All animals are equal
B They break all of them
C Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy
D No animal shall drink alcohol

30 When the animals tour the farmhouse, they discover that the Joneses lived in
A denial
B sin
C luxury
D poverty

31 Whom does Napoleon blame for the windmill's destruction?
A the rebellious hens
B the four dissenting pigs
C Boxer
D Snowball

32 At the book's end, the pigs are
A a force that cannot possibly be overthrown
B transformed into human beings
C indistinguishable from humans
D wealthier than the humans

33 Which animal hides during the Battle of the Cowshed?
A Boxer
B Clover
C Jessie
D Mollie

34 To whom does Napoleon sell the farm's pile of timber?
A Mr. Pilkington
B Mr. Frederick
C Mr. Jones
D Snowball

35 How does Napoleon express his contempt for Snowball's windmill plans?
A By spitting on them
B By giving a scathing speech
C By urinating on them
D By writing Snowball a letter

36 Who reduces the ideals of Animalism to the phrase “Four legs good, two legs bad”?
A Snowball
B Napoleon
C Squealer
D Boxer

37 Who teaches the sheep to chant “Four legs good, two legs better”?
A Napoleon
B Moses
C Clover
D Squealer

38 What is Sugarcandy Mountain?
A The name of the lullaby that Napoleon forces the pigeons to sing to his thirty- one piglets
B The idea of animal heaven propagated by Moses the raven
C The setting for the story that Mollie tells to the lambs
D The mountain visible on Animal Farm's horizon

39 How many letters is Boxer able to learn?
A Four—A through D
B Zero
C Six—the number of different letters in Napoleon's name
D All twenty-six, plus certain letters in the Russian Cyrillic alphabet

40 Which of the pigs proves the best writer?
A Napoleon
B Squealer
C Snowball
D Curly

41 Which pig writes the poem lauding Napoleon?
A Squealer
B Snowball
C Minimus
D Napoleon himself

42 What does Napoleon rename Animal Farm in his toast at the end of the novel?
A Napoleon Farm
B Pig Farm
C Freedonia
D The Manor Farm

43 Why does Napoleon believe that he is dying the morning after he drinks the whisky?
A Because he feels a bizarre desire to leave Animal Farm
B Because he has a miserable hangover
C Because he was visited by the vengeful ghost of Snowball during a drunken trance
D Because he was visited by the vengeful ghost of Old Major during a drunken trance

44 With whom does Napoleon play cards at the end of the novel?
A Mr. Frederick
B Mr. Jones
C Mr. Wiltshire
D Mr. Pilkington

45 What is the name of the quasi-Marxist socialist philosophy advocated by Napoleon and Snowball?
A Porcinism
B Animalism
C Communalism
D Fourleggism

46 What are Boxer's maxims?
A Snowball is always right” and “For the glory of Animal Farm”
B “I will work harder” and “For the glory of Animal Farm”
C “I will work harder” and “Napoleon is always right”
D “Snowball is always right” and “I will work harder”

47 Which animal voluntarily leaves the farm?
A Mollie
B Boxer
C Squealer
D Napoleon

48 What is Boxer's ultimate fate?
A He dies of old age
B The windmill falls on him
C Napoleon sells him to a glue factory
D Mr. Whymper shoots him

49 What is Mr. Jones's main vice?
A Lust
B Alcohol
C Gambling
D Cigars

50 Which of the following pigs composes the song that replaces “Beasts of England”?
A Maximus
B Minimus
C Snowball
D Napoleon

51 What title does Napoleon eventually assume for himself?
A King of the Animals
B Lord of Manor Farm
C President of the Republic
D God of Beasts

52 Which animal refuses to become excited about the windmill?
A Old Major
B Old Benjamin
C Boxer
D Clover

53 What is the reason for the windmill's initial collapse?
A Snowball sabotages it
B The farmers blow it up with dynamite
C It falls in a storm
D Napoleon sabotages it and frames Snowball

54 Which animal discovers the truth about Boxer's destination when the pigs load him into a cart claiming that he is being taken to a doctor?
A Mollie
B Muriel
C Clover
D Benjamin

55 Which Russian leader does Snowball most resemble?
A Lenin
B Trotsky
C Stalin
D Gorbachev

56 Which Russian leader does Napoleon most resemble?
A Stalin
B Trotsky
C Tsar Nicholas
D Khrushchev

57 What Russian institution does the raven Moses evoke?
A The Secret Police
B The Congress
C The Russian Orthodox Church
D The education system

58 The threat of what scares the animals ?
A Jones's return
B Pilkington's atrocities
C A trip to the glue factory
D Old Major's exhumation

59 Which sentence is the beginning of the book?
A Mr Jones of the Manor Farm had locked the hen- houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut he pop- holes.
B All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.
C The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which.
D Beasts of England, beasts of Ireland, bests of every land and clime, Hearken to my joyful tidings of the golden further time.

60 Which sentence is the end of the book?
A Mr Jones of the Manor Farm had locked the hen- houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut he pop- holes.
B All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.
C The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which.
D Beasts of England, beasts of Ireland, bests of every land and clime, Hearken to my joyful tidings of the golden further time.

1c 2a 3b 4b 5b 6c 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a 12a 13a 14a 15a 16a 17a 18a 19b 20d 21a 22c 23c 24a 25c 26c 27c 28b29b30c 31d 32c 33d 34b 35c 36a 37d 38b 39a 40c 41a 42a 43b 44d 45b 46c 47a 48c 49b 50b 51b 52b 53c 54d 55b 56a 57c 58a 59a 60c

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