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Numer: 5331
Dział: Języki obce

Scenariusze lekcji czterech umiejętności językowych

Klasy IV-VI

Specimen plan: Grammar
Teaching Point: The past simple tense

A – Description of the class
Level: Beginners
Students age 14 boys 11 girls 4
The classes take place 3 times a week: on Monday, Tuesdays (855 – 940) and Wednesdays.
The students are rather enthusiastic and lively. They are also well-motivated. Students have completed approximately 50 hours of English.

B – Recent work
• Students have been studying the Simple Past Tense-affirmative sentences, with the focus on regular and irregular past verb forms.
• Listening work – ordering the pictures ‘Yesterday Arnold...’
• Writing a paragraph about students’ last weekend based on the listening.
• Students were asked to bring their pictures from holidays.

C – Objectives
• To revise and remember past simple verb forms.
• To create interest in talking about past events.
• To draw students attention to the Past Simple Tense structures –interrogatives, negatives.
• To give students practice in talking about past events.

D – Contents
Objective 1 Estimate time 5 min. (warm-up)
Context Students’ own lives – holidays.
Activity/class organization A whole class activity – T. asks Ss where they went for holidays/what they did there. Ss answer (and show photos or pictures)
Aids Pictures with typical holiday places: seaside, mountains, lakes, countryside, cities...
Language Some verbs, places: seaside, mountains, lakes, countryside, cities...
Possible problems: Some students may not have photos or pictures from holidays (They were asked to draw pictures before the lesson)

Objective 2 15 min.
Context A past tense grammar rhythm
Activity/class organization Students listen individually to the cassette and fill in the gaps. T. ask Ss to read missing words. Then T asks Ss to recognize in the rhythm question, affirmative, and negative sentence patterns. T. then leads the feedback session and discusses with the whole class (Examples of the sentences can be written on the board to clarify any doubts.)
Aids A grammar rhythm in textbooks, cassette player, tape, board, chalk.
Language As in previous: verbs, free time activities
Possible problems: Students may have problems with identifying different structure patterns. T. provides an activity: put words in order, practicing sentence patterns in the Past Simple Tense ‘Work book’ p 5

Objective 3 10 min.
Context A guessing game, textbooks
Activity/class organization Students work in pairs. One person chooses one of the postcards from the textbook and imagines that s/he has written it. The other person ask questions and tries to guess “who” is A. then change roles.
Aids Textbooks
Language As above
Possible problems: Some Ss may find the activity difficult. T. asks one pair to perform the dialogue in front of the class

Objective 4 Estimate 10 min.
Context Students own lives – holidays
Activity/class organization In groups of 3 or 4 students ask and talk about their holidays. (They can show their photos and pictures. Teacher observes the class and helps only if necessary)
Aids Photos and pictures brought by children.
Language As in above
Possible problems: Some students may be more involve, whereas other may not want to participle. T. helps the weaker students only in case.

Additional possibilities
Ss choose the most interesting episode from their holidays and illustrate it with a cartoon.

Write a paragraph how you spent your holidays.

Contingency plans:
Comments/ Self-evaluation:

Specimen plan: Reading
Teaching Point: Reading for specific information

A – Description of the class
Level: Beginners
Students age 15 boys 11 girls 4
The classes take place 3 times a week: on Monday, Tuesdays (855 – 940) and Wednesdays.
The students are rather enthusiastic and lively. They are also well-motivated. Students have completed approximately 50 hours of English.

B – Recent work
• Students have been studying imperatives
• Students are familiar with Sports and Games Vocabulary

C – Objectives
• To revise sports and games vocabulary.
• To create interest in a reading task.
• To give students practice in reading for specific information.
• To write a short tourist information about the region.

D – Contents
Objective 1 Time 5 min.
Context A listening activity in textbooks
Activity/class organization Students listen to the tape individuality and complete what sports children like and dislike. Then T. asks students to read loudly the answers.
Aids Cassette recorder, tape, textbook.
Language Sports and games.
Possible problems:

Objective 2 Time 5 min.
Context Text in Textbooks, students’ own lives.
Activity/class organization In small groups students talk about their favourite sports and choose what new sports and games they would like to do during holidays. Then with all groups students make a list of such sports on the board.
Aids Board and chalk
Language As in above
Possible problems: Students may need more sport expressions. T is prepared for more explanation

Objective 3 Time 10 min.
Context Tex in textbooks
Activity/class organization T ask students to read the questions under the text. S/he asures that Ss understand them. Then students read the text individually. Then T. leads the feedback session. Students answer the questions. T clarifies any doubts.
Aids Cassette player, tape, textbooks
Language As above, asking and answering about prices.
Possible problems:

Objective 4 Time 15 min.
Context A short tourist information.
Activity/class organization In pairs students write a short information note, with focus on what sports can visitors do in the region. (Many lakes and forests in the area). Then students present their work as an invitation for tourists. At the end of the class. The adverts are put on the notice board.
Aids Maps, pictures with the most interesting places in the region, scissors, glue, colour paper.
Language As above.
Possible problems: Students may not know too much about the region. T. provides some articles, or brochures.

Additional possibilities
Ss make a map of the area with the sports attractions. They must invent their own signs for marking different activities on the map.

Prepare a short slogan advertising the region.

Contingency plans:
Comments/ Self-evaluation:

Specimen plan: Listening
Teaching Point: Listening for detail information

A – Description of the class
Level: Beginners
Students age 14 boys 11 girls 4
The classes take place 3 times a week: on Monday, Tuesdays (855 – 940) and Wednesdays.
The students are rather enthusiastic and lively. They are also well-motivated. Students have completed approximately 50 hours of English.

B – Recent work
• Students have been studying – food vocabulary and customs and traditions connected with different festivals.
• Listening work– in a restaurant – put the dialogue in correct order.
• Speaking – students presented short dialogues based on listening.

C – Objectives
• To revise food vocabulary.
• To raise expectations and create involvement in a listening task.
• To give students practice in listening for detail information.
• To write a recipe of a disk.

D – Contents
Objective 1 Time 5 min.
Context Students’ own lives.
Activity/class organization In groups of 4-5 students ask and answer the questionnaire questions about food they like and don’t like. Then T. ask to talk about their preferences.
Aids A questionnaire
Language Food and drink vocabulary. Like/likes don’t/doesn’t like
Possible problems: If students want to add too much vocabulary the activity may be too long. T may have to shorten the activity.

Objective 2 Time 5 min.
Context Creating expectation about a disk the Ss are going to listen.
Activity/class organization A whole class activity. T. ask Ss picture of to look at the a dish and guess what dish they are going to listen about.
Aids Textbooks
Language Food and different festivals.
Possible problems: Ss may not know the dish at all. T. prompts to talk about other dish connected with different festivals.

Objective 3 Time 15 min.
Context The recipe for toffee apples.
Activity/class organization Students listen to the tape individually and complete the gaps, then they compare the answers with their partners and listen again to check. After the second listening the T. leads the feedback session and discusses with the whole class
Aids A cassette recorder, a tape, textbooks
Language Food and drink vocabulary, verbs connected with cooking: heat, stir, mix, add, melt etc.
Possible problems: Some students may need some vocabulary explanation.

Objective 4 10 min.
Context Recipe books and pictures with different dishes, students’ own lives
Activity/class organization Ss work in small groups: first they decide what dish recipe they are going to write, then they write the recipe and illustrate it with pictures. At the end of the lesson students make a class recipe book, which is hung on the class notice board.
Aids Pictures and photos of dishes, colour papers, pens, glue.
Language As in above plus verbs related to cooking: bake, roast fry etc.
Possible problems: Some students may have no materials. T. supplies them with materials prepared before.

Additional possibilities
Ss from different groups make pairs and dictate their recipes to each other.

Invent your own recipe for a dish consisting only of three ingredients.

Contingency plans:
Comments/ Self-evaluation:

Specimen plan: Speaking
Teaching Point: Giving directions

A – Description of the class
Level: Beginners
Students age 14, boys 11, girls 4
The classes take place 3 times a week: on Monday, Tuesdays (855 – 940) and Wednesdays.
The students are rather enthusiastic and lively. They are also well-motivated. Students have completed approximately 50 hours of English.

B – Recent work
• Ss. have been studying imperatives
• They are familiar with prepositions of place and places in the town.

C – Objectives
• To create interest in talking about location, asking the way and to revise prepositions of place.
• To present structures for asking and giving directions.
• To give students practice in giving directions.
• To talk about location of different places.

D – Contents
Objective 1 Time 15 min.
Context Authentic maps of London, students’ own lives.
Activity/class organization In pairs ss look at the map, recognize different buildings and places and ask each other about their location.
Aids Maps of London.
Language Prepositions of place, buildings and places in a city.
Possible problems: The teacher will have to suggest only a small area in the map , as using the whole one can be too confusing for the ss.

Objective 2 Time 10 min.
Context A sketch in students’ textbooks.
Activity/class organization T. asks ss to listen to the sketch and pay attention to utterances in which different people ask and give the way to the post office. Then T. leads the feedback session in which asks students to present short dialogues from the book.
Aids Students’ books, a cassette player, a tape.
Language Expressions refer to talking about the way, giving directions: turn left/right, go straight ahead, take the first/second turning left/right etc.
Possible problems: No problem.

Objective 3 Time 15 min.
Context Text in students, textbooks.
Activity/class organization Follow the direction activity. Ss read the text individually and follow the direction to get to some places in their maps. While getting to the place of destination they have to find letters which put in order will make the missing word. Then ss check in pairs their slogans.
After that ss are given two different maps of the same town but with different places in them. In pairs ss ask how to get to the places which are not included in their maps and write their names. Then change the roles. T. observes the class, helps and clarifies any doubts.
Aids Students’ textbooks and workbooks.
Language As above.
Possible problems: The second activity may last too long. The t. will have to shorten it.

Objective 4 Time 15 min.
Context A game .
Activity/class organization T. divides the class into two teams. There are two different routes in the classroom. Ss make pairs. One of them covers his eyes with a scarf, the other student’s task is to give him the instruction which will lead him to the given place. Each pair is given different route. The team whose all members go through the routes faster wins the competitions.
Aids None.
Language As above.
Possible problems: Desks and chairs in the classroom need to be differently organized before the lesson.

Additional work
Ss imagine that they are organizing a party at the weekend. They must write invitations with the instructions how to get to the place where the party is taking place.

Describe your way to school.

Contingency plans:
Comments/ Self-evaluation:

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