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Numer: 52538
Dział: Języki obce

Tea with the Queen - scenariusz przedstawienia w języku angielskim

Scenariusz przedstawienia w języku angielskim w kl. IV-VIII

Konferansjer1: Ladies and Gentlemen! Our dear guests.
Konferansjer2: We would also like to welcome you to...
K1: Let’s see... (rozgląda się dookoła) where are we? Look! (wskazuje na dekoracje) There’s a phonebooth! And a double-decker bus! And the famous Big Ben.
K2: It’s London. The capital city of England and the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
K1: And as you know – English people are strange.
K2. They are NOT strange. They simply love their traditions.
K1: That’s why they drive on the wrong side of the road... (wyliczając na palcach)
K2: For them it’s the right side.
K1: And they always talk about weather...
K2: It’s not their fault it’s constantly changing.
K1: And they always feel “FINE, thank you”.
K2: Now you’re just being jealous.
K1: Not to mention the five o’clock tea.
K2: Listen. Can you hear the Big Ben? (słychać dzwon – bije 5 razy)
K1: It’s tea time. Let us take a pick into the Buckingham Palace and see how the Royal Family and their guests enjoy their tea. (odsłaniają kurtynę – za nią stolik z ciasteczkami i zastawą)

Szambelan: Ladies and Gentlemen! Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth the Second and her husband – Prince Philip! (uderza laską, wchodzi Królowa Elżbieta II i jej mąż – w trakcie ich przejścia mówi konferansjer)
K2: (zdziwiony) Your... Your Highness? Isn’t she... dead? And him too?
QEII: My dear boy... death is NOT an excuse to miss the 5 o’clock tea.
(królowa siada za stołem, chór śpiewa hymn Anglii – God save the queen – 1 zwrotka)

Sz: Ladies and Gentlemen! King Charles the Third and his wife Camilla.
K1: At least they are still alive.
KCh: Good afternoon, everyone. I’m not only alive. I’m the living proof that you can find the first good job in your seventies. (z humorem)

Sz: Ladies and Gentlemen! Prince William and Prince Harry with their wives – Princess Catherine and Princess Meghan!
K2: Oh! They look so beautiful!
KW: Welcome! We’re very happy to be here with you.
KH: I’m only sorry our mother, Princess Diana, couldn’t have joined us...
PC: Maybe we could honour her with a song?
Siadają za stołem, w tle „Goodbye England’s rose”

K1: The Royal family is here. But there is still one empty place at the table.
K2: That’s true. I’m wondering – who has Queen Elizabeth invited for the tea?
K1: Me too. Can you please tell us?
QEII: Some of the most famous and prominent people of England and one very special quest who will seat with us. However, I will not tell you their names. Let them introduce themselves. (wchodzą goście I po kolei się przedstawiają, następnie stają za stołem)

KA: (dumnie) Welcome everyone. It’s me, King Arthur the Great, the most famous English king. Together with my knights we looked for the Holy Grail and fought for peace and justice.
(Podchodzi do stołu) Hmmm... I see my queen that the table is not round. And here we are supposed to love tradition so much.

WS: Greetings. Who am I? Ah! What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet... (wącha różę)
QEII: Mister Shakespeare. Please join us at the table.
WS: To join... or not to join... that is the question. (staje z stołem)

RH: Hello! I’m Robin Hood from the Sharwood Forest! I’m the greatest English thief. I steal from the rich and give money to the poor. Don’t worry though, today you are safe. Ohhh cookies (podchodzi do stołu, zabiera ciasteczka i częstuje widownię –w tle B. Adams All for one)

QEII: Mister Robin! Get back here with our cookies!
RH: Apologies, Your Majesty. Old habits die hard.
IN: Hello everyone. I’m sir Izaak Newton. Some say I’m the most famous English scientist. It was me who discovered the law of Gravity thanks to that tasty, juicy fruit. (gryzie jabłko) Hmmm delicious.

SH: And I’m the most famous detective. Sherlock Holmes. I’ve heard someone has stoles queen’s cookies. Let me investigate.
JB: My name is Bond, James Bond. Secret Service Agent double-oh-seven, with a licence to kill. Let me help you. (SH wyciąga lupę i bada ślady wśród widowni, muzyka z bonda przynoszą resztę ciastek)

HP: (wlatuje na miotle) Hi everyone! I’m Harry Potter, the wizard and a master of quidditch! I live in a world of magic, mythical beasts and creatures.
Speaking of beast... I have found this one outside of the palace. Come in, little one.

(nieśmiało wchodzi Paddington)
P: Thank you for having me. I do hope you’re having lovely Finale.
QEII: Tea?
P: Oh yes, please. (siada przy stole i pije herbatę prosto z dzbanka) Sz chrząka, pokazuje na królową.
P: Terribly sorry. (nalewa herbatę królowej, ale dzbanek jest pusty)
QEII: Never mind.
Paddington traci równowagę, ratuje dzbanek, ale wpada łapką w ciasto.
P: Oh dear. Perhaps you will have a marmalade sandwich? I always keep one for emergencies. (wyciąga z kapelusza)
QEII: So do I. (wyciąga kanapkę z torebki) I keep mine in here. For later.

Sz: The party is about to start, Your Majesty.

Królowa zaczyna stukać łyżeczką, dołanczają się pozostałe osoby, potem chór tupie i klaszcze, w tle Queen We will rock you.

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