According to the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights1
, which recognizes play as the
right of every child, we are fully convinced that play is one of the most important factors in children's
development. Through play, children improve their cognitive, psychical, social, and emotional
strengths. Some consider the impact of play to be an indispensable part of children's development. One
of them is Maria Montessori, known for The Montessori Method. She states that "Play is the work of
. There are many different theories and opinions endorsed by scientists or philosophers about
the role of play in children's development, but they all agree that it is essential.
Misconceptions may arise due to different and inaccurate definitions of play. Nevertheless, there is no
specific definition of play, it is commonly known as a wide variety of activities and experiences that
are accessible to all human beings with no age requirements, but there is another conceptualization of
play- Lakisha Reid, who is known as an early childhood educator, said that "play is learning. Through
play, children are acquiring knowledge". This understanding focuses not only on the fun part that,
accompanies people while playing but fully on development.
Play is an activity that fulfills children's most necessary needs for development. It enables youths to
exploit their creativity to experience the world and improve already-learned skills. Play is extremely
important for healthy brain and nervous system development.3
, Neurobiologists discovered that the
cerebral cortex is a brain area with higher cognitive processing, that is shaped by experiences such as
sensory play or play with toys.4The next benefit is that by playing, children can remain emotionally
calm, there is a lot of methods that can help them reduce the amount of anxiety and stress in their daily
lives, for example, through - Name IT To Tame IT Method5
. Play enables children to gain confidence
and learn new qualifies that they may need in the future6
. Play might ameliorate children's
communication skills even if they can't speak, by listening, paying attention, and sharing experiences.
Children can also improve their language and practice problem-solving while cooperating with others.
Stress-free play allows children to discover and expand their interests, which over time may turn into
lifelong hobby.78
All of these approaches lead to the conclusion that play is used to promote children's development in
various ways. Therefore, play as a form of child’s activity not only provides them an opportunity to
acquire miscellaneous knowledge of the world and itself, but it also stimulates all areas of their
development. However, I am personally fascinated by the possibilities that children may receive
through play and the impact that it has on adult life. I believe that play is need of every human being,
that influences all of our future actions.
References list:
1) Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Convention on the Rights of
the Child. General Assembly Resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989.Accessed June 22, 2006
2) Montessori, Maria. The Montessori Method. New York: Schocken, 1964.
3) Shonkoff JP, Phillips DA, eds. From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood
Development.Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 2000
4) Diamond M. Response of the brain to enrichment. An Acad Bras Cienc. 2001;73(2):211-220
5) Name It To Tame It! How To Help Your Child Manage Their Big Emotions. Cedar Tree
Counseling, Ltd.(2018, May 15)
6) Hurwitz SC. To be successful: let them Play! Child Educ.2002/2003;79:101-102
7) Bruner JS (1983) Play, thought and language, Peabody J Edu 60(3):60-69
8)Erickson, R. J. (1985). Play contributes to the full emotional development of the child. Education,
105(3), 261–263.