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Numer: 5019
Dział: Języki obce

What are you doing? Present Continuous Tense - questions and short answers

Klasy IV-VI

Cele ogólne:
• Utrwalenie struktury czasu Present Continuous – zdań oznajmujących,
• Zapoznanie ze strukturą tworzenia pytań i udzielania krótkich odpowiedzi,
• Ćwiczenia w praktycznym stosoaniu tej struktury,
• Rozwijanie umiejętności czytania ze zrozumieniem,

Cele operacyjne:
• Uczeń potrafi utworzyć zdanie oznajmujące w czasie Present Continuous na podstawie ilustracji lub z podanym czasownikiem,
• Wie jak utworzyć pytania w czasie Present Continuous i udzielić krótkich odpowiedzi,
• Potrafi uzupełniać zdania z lukami,

• Audiowizualna – łączenie zagadnień wizualnych z materiałem wizualnym,
• Praca z tekstem – czytanie informacji , zestawianie ich z ilustracją i uzupełnianie zdań na podstawie zgromadzonych informacji,
• Audiolingwalna- dryl językowy,

Formy pracy:
• Praca z całą klasą,
• Praca w parach,
• Praca indywidualna,

Środki dydaktyczne:
• Ilustracje przedstawiające czynności codzienne,
• Rozsypanka wyrazowa do prezentacji sposobu tworzenia pytań,
• Obrazki z pytaniami do gry w parach,
• Obrazki z numerkami do gry „memory” z całą klasą.
• Ćwiczenia utrwalające czas Present Continuous na kartkach.


1. T plays the recording and asks students what these people are doing.
Ss say sentences:
She is watching TV.
He is sleeping.
2. T shows a picture and says a verb, Ss make sentences:
drive / She is driving a car.
dance / They are dancing.

3. T sticks one sentence on the board ( each word separately), reads this sentence and asks a question. Ss notice that to make a question they have to change the order of the words.
T presents more sentences with short answers.

4. T shows pictures and asks the students questions about the pictures. Ss answer.
Is she sitting on the chair?
Yes, she is.
Are they dancing? No, they aren't.

One student comes in front of the class, chooses a paper with a sentence and shows the activity. Ss ask questions:
Are you watching TV? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. etc

T explains the game. He chooses one of the pictures on the paper. Ss try to find out which picture T have chosen by asking questions:
Is he driving a car?
Are they playing football?
Then Ss in pairs take turns to play the same guessing game with the pictures using Yes/No questions and short answers. T goes around helping

5. Ss read sentences one by one looking at the nine photos again and writing the correct short answer.
T checks SS answers
6. T gives instructions to this game. He sticks pictures on the board and asks Ss questions: What is he doing? What is she doing? Ss describes pictures. Then T divides Ss into two groups giving them red and blue papers. One group asks questions based on clues they have got she/read , they/sit.
Another group answers while pictures are faced down. Before they start the game they have 1 minute to remember pictures and numbers.
Groups received points for correct question and correct answer.

7. T explains Ss homework which is to complete an exercise with correct answers.

Ćwiczenia utrwalające stosowanie czasu Present Contnuous

I. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami zamieszczonymi poniżej w ramce:

1. He is cooking ...................
2. She is watching ...................
3. She is cleaning her ...................
4. She is going for a walk with....................
5. She is cleaning ...................
6. She is talking on the ...................
7. He is doing his ...................
8. He is sleeping in the ...................
9. He is riding ...................
10. He is swimming with the ...................
11. She is driving.....................................
12. He is sitting under the...........................
13. He is listening to ...................
14. He is eating ,.............................
15. She is playing ....................
16. He is reading ...................,
A film, a dog, soup, a room, teeth, homework, bed, a car, music, breakfast, a comic, tennis, umbrella, shark, a bike, phone,
orange juice, on the phone, on the sofa
1. They are sitting ................................
2. They are talking ...............................
3. They are drinking...............................
II. Odpowiedz używając krótkich odpowiedzi: Yes, he is. No, he isn't
Yes, she is. No, she isn't
1. Is he reading a book? .................
2. Is she driving a bus? ................
3. Is she playing tennis? ................
4. Is he sitting in the classroom?........................
5. Is he riding a bike? .................
6. Is she watching a comedy? .............................
7. Is he making a cake? ,.......................

III. Wstaw “is” lub “are”:
1. She dancing.
2. He reading a comic.
3. They making a cake.
4. He playing football
5. she swimming? Yes, she.................
6. They sitting on the chair.
7. ..he listening to music? Yes, he.............

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