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Numer: 48349
Dział: Języki obce

Reported Speech - Mowa zależna - ćwiczenia


I. Przepisz podane zdania stosując mowę zależną.

1. „I live with my grandmother.”

He said ______________________________________________.

2. „What is your name?”

He asked me ______________________________________________.

3. „Why is she crying?”

He asked me ______________________________________________.

4. „Is Tom your uncle?”

She asked me ______________________________________________.

5. „Did she invite her aunt?”

They asked me ______________________________________________.

6. „Will you go to the party?”

They asked me______________________________________________.

7. „Was Kate surprised?”

He asked me ________________________________________________.

8. „We will visit our sister tomorrow.”

They said ____________________________________________________.

9. „You must be strong.”

She told me that _______________________________________________.

10. „I am studying tonight.”

She said that __________________________________________________.

11. „I broke my leg two days ago.”

She said that __________________________________________________.

12. „I can meet you next Sunday.”

He told me that ________________________________________________.

13. „Where do you live?”

They asked me _______________________________________________.

14. „Have you met Chris?”

She asked me ________________________________________________.

15. „I am interested in Art.”

She said that _________________________________________________.

16. „We don't like Maths.”

They said that ________________________________________________.

17. „Where is Dorothy ?”

He asked me _________________________________________________.

18. „Do you like your new teacher?”

She asked me _________________________________________________.

19. „Were you at school yesterday?”

He asked me __________________________________________________.

20. „What are you doing?”

She asked me __________________________________________________.

21. „My brother didn't go with me.”

She said that __________________________________________________.

22. „I have eaten two sandwiches.”

She said that ___________________________________________________.

23. „Does he often play the guitar?”

She asked me __________________________________________________.

24. „Did you go buy a new car?”

He asked me ____________________________________________________.

25. „What do you think of the problem?”

He asked me ____________________________________________________.

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