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Numer: 47426
Dział: Języki obce

Lab safety

1. Ułóż słowa tak, by stworzyć zasady BHP w laboratorium. Dwie reguły nie pasują. Zdecyduj, które.

1. work keep and neat your area clean

2. teacher's directions instructions follow your and

3. do experiment or permission chemicals not touch without

4. not anything smell do or try

5. pairs work always in

6. not do eat or the lab drink in

7. back tie long avoid accidents hair to

8. spills clean as immediately directed

9. goggles lab safety coat wear shoes and closed-toe

10. finishing after experiments windows open all

11. are located learn fire aid kit extinguisher fire where the alarm and first

12. dispose appropriate containers of materials after working and chemicals into

13. broken immediately report equipment

14. careful substances when be heating

2. Znajdź 13 słów z ćwiczenia 1

3. Utwórz zwroty, przetłumacz

1. safety
2. fire
3. lab
4. avoid
5. first aid
6. work
7. dispose
8. clean
a) area
b) spills
c) extinguisher
d) goggles
e) coat
f) accidents
g) kit
h) of

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