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Numer: 4722
Dział: Języki obce

Visiting London - lekcja języka angielskiego z wykorzystaniem internetu dla grupy średniozaawansowanej

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna

Lesson plan
Topic: Visiting London.
Level: Intermediate
Language practiced: Vocabulary
Time allocated: 45 minutes
Web site used: http://www.soon.org.uk/britlond.htm
Aims: - to find out more information about popular attractions of London
- to practise reading for specific information
- to work on vocabulary connected with sightseeing
- to practise communication.
Anticipated problems: The website should be checked by the teacher before the lesson. In case students do not have enough time to do vocabulary exercise in the class they do it as a homework assignment.


● Pre-stage activities (10 mins)
1. The teacher asks questions:
- Have you ever been to London?
- Would you like to go there? Why? / Why not?
- What attractions are worth seeing?
2.The teacher asks students what things they would have to consider if they were planning a weekend trip. He tries to elicit such information as accommodation, food, transport, places to visit, things to pack, etc.
3.The teacher asks students where they can get information that could help them to plan their trip. Students may point at travel agencies, media advertisements, the Internet. They are told about the site they are going to search.
● While-stage activities (25 mins)
1.The teacher divides students into two groups. Each group is to choose a leader whose task will be to present the results.
2.Instruction for the groups:
Each group is to plan a trip to London and find information on means of transport, accommodation, and interesting places that are worth visiting. Each group should take the following things into consideration:
- group A: limited budget, limited time (only the weekend)
- group B: budget with no limitation, time – one week.
Students plan their trip and complete the worksheet given by the teacher who instructs them to type the website address: http://www.soon.org.uk/britlond.htm.

Sightseeing: Your choice: Why/why not?
Means of transport:

Accommodation: (follow the link to find out more; http://www.soon.org.uk/britstay.htm)
Places to visit: (follow the link to find out more – depends on the the place you choose)

3.The leader of each group presents the material. After the presentation students have possibilities to ask questions.

● Post-stage activity (10 mins)
Vocabulary exercises – students, using the site http://www.soon.org.uk/britlond.htm, are to find:
a) another name for underground
b) 5 verbs connected to movement
c) 4 kinds of means of transport
d) 2 verbs connected with obtaining sth with money
e) 6 words connected with money
The answers are read loudly and checked by the teacher.

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