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Numer: 45370
Dział: Języki obce

Listening practice. Przedmiot Język angielski w działalności kolei

Materiał jest odpowiedni dla uczniów klas technicznych o profilu technik transportu kolejowego.

- zapoznanie uczniów ze słownictwem związanym z podróżowaniem pociągiem;
- przećwiczenie umiejętności słuchania ze zrozumieniem dla informacji ogólnej i szczegółowej.

T: „ SOLAR POWERED TRAIN”- ćwiczenia w słuchaniu."Pociąg napędzany energią słoneczną- praca z tekstem słuchanym, ćwiczenia w słuchaniu.

Link do materiału w serwisie you tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y4QGFte3T8

1.Lead in- answer the questions:
a)What usually powers the trains?
b)Do you know there is a solar powered train?
c)What do you think where it comes from?

2.Vocabulary practice- translate the words given:

a)groundbreaking- b)(to) run on-
c) vintage train- k)hump-
d)diesel engine- e)convert into-
f)(to) replace- i)(to) operate the train-
e)gearbox- h) control equipment-
f)throttle back- l) array-
g)route- m) a pit stop-

3. Answer the questions after watching the video:

1.Is the train modern or old? When was it built?
2.What is the name of the company that produced the train?
3.Is it easier to drive a solar train than a diesel one?
4.How heavy is the train?
5.How long is the train’s route?
6.How many kilowat-hours does the battery store?
7.Where are the solar pannels placed?

4.Complete the sentences with the words given, there are 2 extra words, which you don’t need: passengers, roof, groundbreaking, diesel engine, solar power, replaced, vintage.

a)The train originally had two diesel engines, of which one has been __________________ by batteries and an electric motor.
b)The fully solar-powered train holds 100 seated______________.
c)Powering cars with ____________________ is a challenge.
d)A fully solar-powered train took a short but ______ journey.
e)The train runs solely on clean energy — solar panels on its______.

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