Numer: 45022
Dział: Języki obce

Jaki to czas ? - ćwiczenia gramatyczne dla klasy 7 i 8

Rozpoznaj i zapisz - Jaki to czas ?

1. I usually read books. ........................................
2. They sometimes watch TV. ........................................
3. My mum went to the shop last evening. ...................................
4. We will bake a cake on Saturday. ........................................
5. Sara is playing games now. ........................................
6. We were swimming in the sea last summer. .................................
7. They saw a snake in the zoo. ........................................
8. Sara had done homework. ........................................
9. We have prepared dinner. ........................................
10. She has opened a book. ........................................
11. We will study it precisely. ........................................
12. Bob often rides a bike to school . ........................................
13. The robber stole some sweets. ........................................
14. I will go to school in Leszno next year. ........................

Zamień zdania na pytania i napisz jaki to czas.
1. You rarely watch good films
2. They saw a nice bird during their holidays. ........................................
3. They are watching an online conference. ........................................
4. Bob bought a cake last week. ........................................
5. I will visit my grandparents next weekend. ........................................
6. She had organized a party last evening. ........................................
7. Susan has eaten some fruits ........................................

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