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Numer: 43234
Dział: Języki obce

Business idioms 2 - short test

BUSINESS IDIOMS 2 – short test

Name: __________________ class: ____ date: _______ total: ____ /15p

Ex. 1. Complete each sentence with a suitable idiom. ____ / 5p

1. The company’s accountant was given __________________________________ from the board of directors for embezzlement.

2. Our lawyer was able to cut through _______________________________ and get us an answer from the courthouse.

3. An internship might not sound very interesting, but it's a great way to get _________________________________ at this company.

4. Dave's father agreed to be _________________________________ when we started our company, leaving us to run
it once it was set up.

5. Ed was always first to arrive at the office and last to leave, ________________________________!

Ex. 2. Translate the fragments from brackets into suitable IDIOMS in the correct form! Add other words when necessary. Use between 4 and 7 words._____ / 10p

1. If they had listened to his words of wisdom, the company ........................................ (nigdy nie zbankrutowałaby).

2. I left John there ........................................ (by popilnował interesu).

3. The employees applauded when the boss announced everyone ........................................ (dostanie udział w zysku) in the form of a holiday bonus.

4. We have so little money that we can ........................................ (ledwo utrzymujemy się na powierzchni).

5. Luckily, Mick ........................................ (zdołał wręczyć kilka łapówek), thus helping his brother to escape.

Ex. 1
1. walking papers
2. red tape
3. a foot in the door
4. a sleeping partner
5. the eager beaver
Ex 2.
1. would have never gone belly up
2. to hold the fort
3. was getting/ would get a slice of the pie
4. hardly keep our heads above water
5. was able to grease a few palms

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