Numer: 42790
Dział: Ankiety

Rola nauczyciela w kształtowaniu autonomii ucznia na lekcjach języka angielskiego w Polsce i Indiach. Ankieta dla nauczycieli szkół średnich

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Dear Teacher,
The purpose of this questionnaire is to explore EFL secondary school teachers’ roles in promoting learner autonomy and their beliefs on learner’s autonomy itself.
As there is no correct or incorrect answer, please respond in a real and sincere way. All the responses to this questionnaire are completely anonymous and will be used for research purpose only.
6-10 YEARS
11-15 YEARS
16-20 YEARS

31 - 40

How frequently do you implement the following practices in your classroom?
1 – always 2 – often 3 – occasionally 4 – seldom 5 – never

1. Helping students to set up their own learning objectives.
2. Helping students to select their learning materials.
3. Helping students to evaluate their own learning progress.
4. Encouraging students to reflect on their learning process.
5. Making students aware of the skills and strategies needed to learn by their own.
6. Identifying psychological problems that inhibit students’ progress.
7. Making dialogues with students to find solutions to their learning difficulties.
8. Encouraging students to make study plans.
9. Being positive and supportive especially when giving feedback.
10. Suggesting tools and techniques for self-assessment.
11. Using computer based learning materials.
12. Selecting and evaluating resources according to students’ needs and levels.
13. Suggesting websites , videos, on line dictionaries that motivate students to use the target language outside the classroom.
14. Encouraging students to read English books, magazines and newspapers outside the classroom.
15. Encouraging students to study with their peers.
16. Organizing different kinds of games and activities in the classroom.
17. Providing clear instructions of the tasks assigned to students.
18. Explaining the purposes and significance of the tasks organized in the classroom.
19. Giving learners opportunities to share their opinions in the classroom management.

The challenges in developing of students’ autonomy are:
1 – strongly agree 2 – agree 3 – neutral 4 – disagree 5 – strongly disagree

21. Students lack the skills (e.g. critical reflection, decision making, independent action, control of one’s own learning)for autonomous learning.
22. Teachers lack the essential strategies (e.g. counseling, suggesting tools/materials, encouraging to self-learning/assessing, offering alternative procedures) to promote learner autonomy.
23. Teachers themselves are not autonomous.
24. Technology is not effectively implemented in language learning.
25. Rules and regulations of the schools restrict teachers’ freedom in making choices on their teachings.

Indicate your opinion on each statement:
1 – strongly agree 2 – agree 3 – neutral 4 – disagree 5 – strongly disagree

26. Learner autonomy cannot be promoted in teacher-centered classrooms.
27. Learner autonomy means learning without a teacher.
28. Learner autonomy implies the rejection of traditional teacher-led ways of teaching.
29. Learning autonomy cannot be developed without the help of a teacher.
30. Learner autonomy requires a learner to be totally independent from the teacher.
31. The teacher has an important role to play in supporting learner’s autonomy.
32. Learner autonomy can be achieved by learners of all cultural backgrounds.
33. Certain ethnic/social groups ale more predisposed for learning autonomy thanks to their cultural backgrounds.

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