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Numer: 4247
Dział: Języki obce

Culture Quiz - zestaw pytań sprawdzających znajomość kultury, geografii, historii oraz zagadnień społecznych krajów anglojęzycznych

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna

Culture quiz to zestaw 50 pytań sprawdzających znajomość kultury, geografii, historii oraz zagadnień społecznych krajów anglojęzycznych.

Complete the sentences.
1. Hadrian’s Wall was built by .....
2. New York is also called .....
3. The author of The Lord of the Rings is .....
4. The capital of Australia is .....
5. The place where the US president lives is called .....
6. The name of one of the most famous public schools in England is .....
7. Fred Astaire and Gary Cooper were famous ..........(nationality) actors.
8. The name of a world famous spy, created by Ian Fleming is.....
9. The Niagara Falls are a popular tourist spot in .....(country)
10. Notting Hill is one of the districts of .....(city)
11. A famous military academy in the US is called .....
12. ..........(name of a person) was assassinated in Memphis, USA, in 1968.
13. During the World War II the president of the USA was ....
14. Limerick is a large city in .....(country)
15. Chicago is situated at the Lake ......
16. When you are in ..........(city) you can visit the Millennium Dome.
17. Bono and Sinead O’Connor are ..........(nationality) singers.
18. The name of the present British Prime Minister is .....
19. Industrial Revolution took place in ..........(country, century)
20. The Stars and Stripes is the name of ..........
21. The name of a mountain in South Dakota with the faces of four American presidents is
22. The Great Lakes are ...(number) lakes between the USA and Canada.
23. Ayers Rock or Uluru is a famous mountain in .... (country).
24. The poet Dylan Thomas and the actor Richard Burton are ......... (nationality).
25. Due to unpleasant weather conditions Chicago is sometimes called .........
26. The abbreviation BBC stands for ..........
27. The Isle of Man is in the ...............Sea. (name of the sea)
28. On July 4 Americans celebrate ............
29. The US Congress works in the .............. (name) building in Washington D.C.
30. The people who came to America from Europe in search for religious freedom and later founded the USA are called ...........
31. Glasgow and Edinburgh are well-known cities in .......... (country).
32. The birthplace of Shakespeare is ..........
33. Queen ...............(name) was the first Protestant queen and a daughter of Henry VIII; she reigned from 1558 to 1603.
34. The old and famous university town on River Cam in England is .........
35. The offices of the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard are situated in the ...............(name of the building/place), in Washington D.C.
36. The abbreviation GCSE stands for ..........
37. The famous American cementary with the graves of President John F. Kennedy and other important people is called ..........
38. The currency of Ireland is ..........
39. The most famous football stadium in London is ..........
40. The British Parliament consists of two houses: the House of ......and the House of ...
41. Jaws, E.T., Jurrasic Park and Indiana Jones were all directed by ..........
42. The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent, Daily Mirror are popular newspapers in .......... (country).
43. Most American children dream of visiting .......... (name of the place), where they can meet many famous cartoon characters, eg.: Mickey Mouse, Pluto, etc.
44. One of the most important and famous grass tennis tournaments begins each year at the end of June at the courts of ............., in London.
45. The Great Depression began on Thursday, October 24, 1929; this day is also called ...
46. A museum of wax figures in London is called ........
47. ............. (name) is a famous clock in the tower of the Houses of Parliament in London.
48. The British flag is called ...........
49. This famous gangster and criminal lived in Chicago during prohibition time; his name is ...
50. The Civil War took place in .......... (century).

Klucz odpowiedzi.
1. the Romans
2. the Big Apple
3. J.R.R. Tolkien
4. Canberra
5. the White House
6. Eaton
7. American
8. James Bond
9. Canada
10. London
11. West Point
12. Martin Luther King
13. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
14. Ireland
15. Michigan
16. London
17. Irish
18. Gordon Brown
19. England, 18th/19th century
20. the US flag
21. Mount Rushmore
22. 5
23. Australia
24. Welsh
25. windy city
26. British Broadcasting Corporation
27. Irish Sea
28. Independence Day
29. Capitol
30. Pilgrims/Pilgrim Fathers
31. Scotland
32. Stratford-Upon-Avon
33. Elizabeth I
34. Cambridge
35. Pentagon
36. General Certificate of Secondary Education
37. Arlington National Cementery
38. euro
39. Wembley
40. Lords, Commons
41. Steven Spielberg
42. Britain
43. Disneyland
44. Wimbledon
45. Black Thursday
46. Madame Tussaud’s
47. Big Ben
48. the Junion Jack
49. Al Capone
50. 19th (1861-1865)

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