Numer: 41421
Dział: Języki obce

Sprawdzian wiadomości w klasie VI - j. angielski

1. Write five your words in each category:
languages: English, _________, _________, ___________, ___________, _________
fruit: apple, _________, _________, ___________, ___________, _________
sport: football, _________, _________, ___________, ___________, _________
furniture: table, _________, _________, ___________, ___________, _________
clothes: jeans, _________, _________, ___________, ___________, _________

2. Translate:
a) Kasia zawsze je śniadanie o 7.30.
b) Jej bracia nie pracują w szpitalu w piątki.
c) Czy wasz tata gotuje obiady wieczorem?
d) Każdego roku jeżdżę z moją rodziną do Niemiec latem.

3. Write the missing forms of verb:
jeść ___________ _____________ _____________
___________ drink _____________ _____________
___________ ___________ _____________ slept
___________ ___________ broke _____________
jechać ___________ _____________ _____________
___________ ___________ met _____________
___________ buy _____________ _____________
pisać ___________ _____________ _____________
___________ ___________ _____________ read
___________ ___________ cut ___________

4. Read the text and circle true or false sentences, then answer the questions.

My name is Aneta. I’m a teenager and I’ve got two brothers. I go to school but I don’t like it. My favourite day is Saturday. Then I get up at 9.30, eat breakfast with my mother and go to the park. There I ride a bike or I play basketball with my friends. In the evening I go with my family to the restaurant or to the cinema. On Sunday I do my homework and later I can watch TV. At 7 pm. is my favourite TV show. At 9 pm. I’m already after my bath and I sit on my bed and read. I hate when Sunday ends because next day I have to go to school.

Aneta is 8 years old. True False
She likes going to school. True False
In the park she rides a bike with her brothers. True False
On Saturday she sometimes goes to the cinema. True False
At 9 pm on Sunday she takes a bath. True False

a) Has Aneta got a sister?
b) What’s her favourite day?
c) What does she do after breakfast on Saturday?
d) When does she do her homework?
e) What time is her favourite TV programm?
f) What does she do on Sunday evening?

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