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Numer: 41392
Dział: Języki obce

Powiatowy Konkurs Wiedzy o Krajach Anglojęzycznych - Nowa Zelandia

Czas trwania konkursu: 60 min. Score: ......./25p.

Imię i nazwisko: ........................................ Szkoła: ..................................

Keeping yourself safe in New Zealand
• Carry a mobile phone and don’t hesitate to dial New Zealand’s emergency phone number if you feel unsafe or threatened - dial 111. Callsarefree.
• Travel with someone you know and trust whenever possible.
• We recommend you don’t accept rides from strangers and don’t hitchhike.
• If you're out at night, keep to well lit places where other people are present. Don’t take short cuts through parks or alleyways. Take a taxi or get a ride with someone you know.
• Avoid accepting drinks from strangers and never leave your drink unattended.
• Carry a basic first-aid kit for use in emergencies.
Answer the questions:
1. How much do you have to pay when you call 111? ................................
2. Is it a good idea to travel on your own? ........................................
3. When do you have to keep to well lit places? .......................................
4. What shouldn’t you accept from strangers? ........................................
5. What two things should you have with you while in NZ? ........................................
Find a word in the text that matches these definitions:
6. Narrow passages between buildings - ........................................
7. To travel free in others people’s cars - ........................................
8. A sudden serious and dangerous event - ........................................
9. Without the owner present - ........................................
10. Somebody you don’t know - ........................................
1. What is the most popular sport in New Zealand?........................................
2. What does the name of All Blacks refer to? ........................................
3. What is a haka?........................................
4. What is softball?........................................
5. Most New Zealand’s tourists come from:
a) The USA
b) Australia
c) Japan

6. Wellington is one of the top destinations . Which museum is in this city?
a) Te Papa
b) Musee d’Orsay
c) Inhotim
7. Film location tourism is very popular in NZ. Which film was shot in the very country?
a) World War Z
b) The Narnia Chronicles
c) Sinister
8. The capital city of New Zealand is:
a) Aucland b) Wellington c) Christchurch
Which ocean does it lie in? ....................................
9. What is the population of New Zealand? ........................................
10. What is the largest city of New Zealand? ........................................
11. What is name of the longest river in New Zealand? ................................
How long is it? ...........................
12. What is the deepest lake in New Zealand? ........................................
How deep is it? ..........................
13. What is the deepest cave in New Zealand? ........................................
How deep is it? .........................
14. How many National Parks are there in New Zealand? ..............................
Name the largest ........................................
15. What is the largest glacier in New Zealand? ........................................

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