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Numer: 40549
Dział: Języki obce

Piosenka do uzupełnienia - "All I want for Christmas"; wykonawca Mariah Carey

Poniżej prezentuję ćwiczenie z rozumienia tekstu mówionego, w tym przypadku śpiewanego. Usuwając z tekstu piosenki wybrane słowa, powstało przyjemne, świąteczne zadanie na słuchanie, w którym uczniowie muszą uzupełnić luki usłyszanymi słowami.
Autor i wykonawca piosenki: Mariah Carey
Album: Merry Christmas

"All I Want For Christmas Is You"

I don't ............. a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care ............... the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree

I just want you for my own
.......... than you could ever know
Make my wish come ............
All I want for Christmas Is you

I don't ............. a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
And I don't care ............ the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree

I don't need to hang my ...................
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't ............... me happy
With a toy on Christmas Day

I just want you for my own
........... than you could ever know
Make my wish come ............
All I want for Christmas is you, You baby

Oh I won't ........... for much this Christmas
I won't even wish for snow
And I'm just gonna keep on .....................
Underneath the mistletoe

I won't make a list and .............. it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake to
Hear those ............... reindeer click

'Cause I just want you here ...............
Holding on to me so tight
What more ......... I do?
Baby all I want for Christmas is you, You, baby

Oh all the .................. are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of ........................
Laughter fills the air

And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ......................
Santa won't you bring me the one I really need?
Won't you please bring my baby to me?

Oh I don't ............ a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just want to see my baby
Standing right outside my .............

Oh I just want you for my own
.......... than you could ever know
Make my wish come .............
Baby all I want for Christmas is
You baby

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