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Numer: 40410
Dział: Języki obce

Podawanie czasu - materiały dodatkowe dla rodzica i ucznia

------- WHAT`S THE TIME? ---- która jest godzina? / łots de tajm? Odpowiadamy IT`S..... / yt`s/
......:00 It`s ......... o`clock. Pełne godziny - ------ / Yt`s ...oklok/
1:00 - It`s one o`clock. 5:00 – It`s five o`clock . 12: 00 It`s twelve o`clock 7:00 It`s seven o`clock.
....:30 It`s half past ..... ROZUMIANE JAKO: Pół godziny po .... (UWAGA! Nie wpół do następnej godziny!!!! ) /Yt`s haf past.../
1:30 – It`s half past one. (pół godziny po pierwszej) 4:30 It`s half past four ( pół godziny po czwartej)
....:15 It`s quarter past..... kwadrans po / yt`s kłoter past.../
1:15 It`s quarter past one. 5:15 It`s quarter past five. 12:15 It`s quarter past twelve.
.....:45 It`s quarter to ... za kwadrans .... /yt`s kłoter tu..../
2:45 -Its quarter to three ( za kwadrans trzecia) 5:45 - It`s quarter to six ( za kwadrans szósta)
1:00- It`s one o`clock. 1:15- It`s quarter past one.
1:30 It`s half past one. 1:45- It`s quarter to two.
Pytamy: która jest godzina: What`s the time? It`s seven o`clock. (7:00) What`s the time? It`s quarter past six (6:15)
Zapisz pytania i odpowiedzi.:
........................................? ........................................ (7:30)
........................................? ........................................ (8:30)
........................................? ........................................(3:00)
........................................? ........................................ (7:15)
........................................? ........................................ (8:45)
........................................? ........................................(9:45)

Zapisz godziny używając cyfr:
What` s the time? It` s eight o`clock.................................... What`s the time? It` s eleven o`clock....................................
What` s the time? It` s half past two.................................... What`s the time? It` s three o`clock....................................
What`s the time? It` s half past one.................................... What`s the time? It` s ten o`clock....................................
What` s the time? It` s half past seven.................................... What`s the time? It` s half past three....................................
What`s the time? It` s half past eleven.................................... What`s the time? It` s two o`clock....................................
What` s the time? It` s half past six.................................... What`s the time? It` s half past nine....................................

zapisz godziny:
It`s quarter past six- .............. It`s half past four-.....................
It`s twelve o`clock-..................... It`s quarter to one -.......................
It`s quarter to nine-.................... It`s quarter to seven-..................
It`s quarter past three-..................... It`s quarter to six-...................
1:45- za kwadrans druga It`s quarter to two. 2:45- za kwadrans trzecia- It`s quarter to three
2:15- kwadrans po drugiej- It`s quarter past two. 6:15-kwadrans po szóstej- It`s quarter past six.
5:15- ........................................
Przeczytaj i zapisz godziny używając cyfr:
It`s quarter past two- .............. It`s half past five-.....................
It`s eleven o`clock-..................... It`s quarter to three -.......................
It`s quarter to three-.................... It`s quarter to eight-..................
It`s quarter past three-..................... It`s quarter to twelve-...................
It`s quarter to ten-.................... It`s half past three-..................
It`s quarter to one-..................... It`s six o `clock-...................
It`s quarter past four- .............. It`s half past nine-.....................
It`s half past two-..................... It`s half past ten-.....................
It`s five o`clock-..................... It`s eight o`clock-.......................

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