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Numer: 40067
Dział: Języki obce

Around the world - popular meals and drinks


Teacher: Joanna Tokarska

Subject: Around the world – popular meals and drinks.

Age: 9 years

students learn about food and drinks from different countries
students read with understanding
students learn new words and phrases in English
students know the construction “there is / there are” and know when to use it

Aids: the text and exercises given to each student on a separate piece of paper, multimedia presentation

Process of the lesson:

1. Introduction to the topic:
Hello, how are you today?
Are you hungry? We will talk today about something tasty – about food.

2. Reading the text.
Students read the text one by one and underline words they don’t understand. Explaining difficult words.

3. Exercise – true or false.
Students read sentences and decide whether the sentence is true or false. They should correct the false sentence.

4. Exercise – complete the table.
Students complete the table with the information from the text about popular food and drinks in different countries.

5. Grammar exercise:
Teacher explains the structure “there is / there are”. Students join the sentences from 1 to 6 with the right picture.

6. Watching the presentation about typical British food.

7. Summary of the lesson, homework.

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