Numer: 38062
Dział: Języki obce

Plan zajęć języka angielskiego w przedszkolu - październik

October 2017
Very Young learners - 3 age

1. Hello! Bye, bye! with Mickey- we knows “Hello song”
2. I’m happy, I’m sad - show me yours emotions!
3. “Head, Shoulders, knees and toes”- actions song
( TPR- method).

October 2017
Very Young learners - 5 age

1. Hello! My name is... How are you? Are you happy?- I’m happy, I’m sad - we know each other . Show me yours emotions! ( happy song)
2. “Head, Shoulders, knees and toes”- we know our body (flash card), actions song ( TPR- method).
3. “My body” – we make a poster ( craftwork).

October 2017
Very Young learners - 6 age

1. Hello! My name is... How are you? Are you happy?- I’m happy, I’m sad - we know each other . Show me yours emotions! ( happy song). Writing yours name. please!
2. “Head, Shoulders, knees and toes”- we know our body (flash card), actions song ( TPR- method). Exercise with workbook.
3. “My body” – we make a poster ( craftwork). I take care of my Body.

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