Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna
NAME: ................................ SCORE: ...................
I. Write the names of the professions next to each definition.
1. someone who decorates the inside of the house - .................................
2. someone who performs medical operations and surgery - ........................
3. someone who represents a company and travels around an area selling its products - ...........................
4. someone who is concerned with politics and is in the government/parliament -................
II. Translate the following expressions into either English or Polish:
1. I am writing in response to ... – ........................................
2. I would like to apply for the position of ... - ........................................
3. Załączam moje CV. - ........................................
4. Czekam z niecierpliwością na Waszą odpowiedź / Oczekuję na odpowiedź.....................................
III. Translate and complete the indirect questions.
1. Zapytaj o godziny pracy.
Could you tell me what........................................
2. Zapytaj o nazwisko dyrektora/ kierownika.
Can you tell me what........................................
3. Dowiedz się o wysokość pensji.
I’d like to know .....................................
4. Zapytaj, jakie będą Twoje obowiązki.
I’d like to know ....................................
IV. Translate into English:
1. praca na cały etat - ............ .................
2. praca dorywcza-............ .....................
3. praca tymczasowa - ......... .....................
4. księgowy - .........................
5. doświadczenie - .....................
6. dobrze płatna - ......... ............
V. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Continuous tense and the preposition FOR or SINCE.
1. My sister ..................(live) here ..........last summer.
2. Andrew ....................(work) in this shop ..............five years.
3. I ..................(know) this man .............1995.
4. Jane ......................(not have) a pay rise).............. September.
5. I ..................(read) this book .............ten days now.
VI. Translate into English or Polish.
1. On jest na emeryturze. ........................................
2. Ona wzięła dzień wolny. ........................................
3. Ona awansowała. .......................................
4. He’s been sacked. ........................................
5. She’s made a profit. .................................
6. He does manual work. ........................................