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Numer: 37217
Dział: Przedszkole

Język angielski przez zabawę - scenariusz wielkanocnych zajęć przedszkolnych (grupa wiekowa 5-6 lat)

Scenariusz z wykorzystaniem piosenek i materiałów DVD pochodzących z zasobów Super Simple Songs i serwisu: supersimpleonline.com oraz ‘Patch and Robby Show’ Wydawnictwa Macmillan.

Topic: Happy Easter!

1. Before the lesson
One should prepare:
- flashcards: Easter Rabbit, Easter egg, Easter basket, chicks, cross
- activity cards: chicks, picture story
- DVD materials: ‘Patch and Robby Show’ – ‘Easter – I’m the Easter Rabbit rhyme, Easter eggs hunts’
- records: ‘Hide & Seek’ song (Super Simple Songs)
- chocolate eggs for everyone
- CD and DVD recorder (checked before the lesson)
- pencils, scissors, glue

2. Introduction
The teacher talks with children about Easter traditions. Children try to guess Easter symbols.
Then the T. introduces new words –Easter rabbit, Easter egg, Easter basket, chicks, cross. The T. uses flashcards, which she hands in one by one – children pass them on to each other repeating the word in a funny way. Then the T. collects cards, puts them down on a carpet and asks children to point to the appropriate flashcard.

3. Watch and play – ‘Patch and Robby show’ – ‘I’m the Easter Rabbit rhyme’
The T. presents the rhyme with appropriate mimicking and gestures. Children join her. Then they watch and listen to the ‘I’m the Easter Rabbit rhyme’ twice and try to memorize the lyrics. Next, they watch children acting as the Easter Rabbit and repeating the chant. Then the T. asks children to stand up and perform the chant in the way they learnt from DVD material. The chant should be repeated a few times.

4. Hide and seek game: looking for Easter symbols
Children are asked to sit in front of the wall with their faces turned to the wall and eyes closed. They listen to ‘Hide and seek’ song. While the music is on, the T. hides one of the Easter objects, which were at first shown and named to children. When the music stops, the T. tells children what she hid and they start looking for it. The child who finds object hides another one in the next round. There should be as many rounds as children.

5. Choose the right chick – do the activity card
Children sit at the tables. The T. hands the activity cards, scissors and glue in. The task is to cut off the halves of the chicks from the bottom of the page and match them to the drawn chicks in the picture comparing the size of chicks. Then children paste missing halves to the picture.

6. Missing object
The T. presents children Easter symbols. Then she puts them in some order on a carpet. Children try to remember the order of objects. Then they close their eyes and the T. covers one object with the blanket. The task is to guess what is missing. After a few rounds willing children should be allowed to cover objects for others.

7. Picture story – activity card
Children sit at the tables. The T. hands the activity cards, scissors and glue. Children look at the incomplete picture story and two pictures below. They cut off the pictures and try to match them to the proper order. After that they paste the missing elements to the picture to complete the story.

8. Watch and play – ‘Patch and Robby show’ – ‘Easter egg hunts’
Children watch and listen. They watch children looking for eggs left by Easter Rabbit in the garden. Then the T. tells them about Easter Rabbit’s visit in the Kindergarten. She tells children that the Easter Rabbit left some Easter eggs for them too. To make searching easier it left also some traces with guidelines, which are placed in the whole building – classrooms, corridor, principal office, kitchen etc. Children go from one guideline to another. At the end of the game they find their Easter eggs. Then children should be allowed to unpack and eat their Easter eggs. After that the T. thanks for classes, wishes ‘Happy Easter’ to children and say goodbye to them.

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