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Numer: 37216
Dział: Języki obce

Język angielski przez zabawę - scenariusz świątecznych zajęć przedszkolnych (grupa wiekowa 5-6 lat)

Scenariusz z wykorzystaniem piosenek, kart obrazkowych i materiałów DVD pochodzących z zasobów Super Simple Songs i serwisu: supersimpleonline.com, ‘Patch and Robby Show’ Wydawnictwa Macmillan, „Cookie and friends. Starter” Wydawnictwa Oxford oraz opowiadania dla dzieci autorstwa Erica Hilla ‘Spot’s magical Christmas’.

Topic: It’s Christmas time!

1. Before the lesson
One should prepare:
- flashcards: Christmas tree, Father Christmas, presents, glass balls, star, reindeer
- ‘Spot’s magical Christmas’ – a storybook by Eric Hill
- activity cards: Father Christmas bag, Santa’s reindeer, Christmas tree decorations
- DVD materials: ‘Patch and Robby Show’ – ‘Christmas – Father Christmas chant, On Christmas Day song’
- records: ‘Merry Christmas’ (Cookie & Friends. Starter), ‘What do you want for Christmas?’ (Super Simple Songs)
- CD and DVD recorder (checked before the lesson)
- pencils, color pencils, crayons

2. Introduction
The teacher talks with children about Christmas traditions. Children try to guess Christmas symbols.
Then the T. introduces new words – Father Christmas, Christmas tree, glass ball, star, reindeer - using flashcards. Children repeat loudly – altogether and one by one.
Children play ‘Missing card’ game. They memorize all the flashcards and their English names, then they close their eyes. The T. covers one card. Children are asked to open their eyes and guess what the missing card is.

3. ‘Spot’s magical Christmas’ – Christmas story
Children sit around the T., who is telling them the story about Spot’s Christmas adventure. The written story is rather long and quite complicated so the T. should simplify it. Children look at the pictures and try to guess what the part of the story is about. T. can ask children to point to some Christmas symbols in the pictures.
Then children sit at the tables. The T. hand the activity cards and pencils in. The children’s task is to compare all the reindeers to the shadow of Father’s Christmas reindeer and match the proper one with the shadow.

4. ‘What do you want for Christmas?’ – listen, sing and act, do the activity card
The T. presents the song to children. Children listen to it twice. They are asked to pretend being toys which are mentioned in the song in appropriate moments. The T. plays with the them. Children prepare a letter to Father Christmas in a form of the picture. They sit at the tables. The T. hands the activity cards – pictures of Father Christmas sack, which is empty, color pencils and crayons in. The task is to draw the presents which children want to get inside the sack.
5. Watch and play – ‘Patch and Robby Show’ – ‘Father Christmas chant’
The T. presents the chant to children. They watch animated version of the chant twice. Then preschoolers watch the chant performed by the children on DVD material. The T. presents the chant with appropriate mimicking and gestures. The children join her – say and perform the chant.

6. Watch and play – ‘Patch and Robby Show’ – ‘On Christmas Day song’
The T. presents the song to children. They watch children performing the song. Preschoolers listen to the song twice. Then they revise the lyrics with the T. who shows how to act during the song. Then children try to sing and act while listen to the DVD material.

7. Christmas tree decorations – activity card
Children sit at the tables. The T. hands pencils and color pencils or crayons and activity cards in. It is a picture of four glass balls which are not complete. Children’s task is to draw the missing parts of the decorations compatibly to the model. Then children should color all the decorations compatibly to the model as well.

8. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Children sit in a circle on a carpet. The T. presents the song ‘Merry Christmas’. Then she practices the lyrics with children. Afterwards children sing a song with the record.
The T. wishes them all the best for Christmas and the whole New year, then thanks for the classes and say goodbye to them.

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