Numer: 36685
Dział: Języki obce

Check yourself

Zestaw zadań różnego typu - umiejętność stopniowania przymiotników, podstawowych funkcji językowych, zastosowania przyimków i czasowników frazowych oraz tworzenia pytań.

Check yourself
Przeczytaj poniższe zdania i zakreśl jedną prawidłową odpowiedź.
1. Where from?
A are B is C are not D do you

2. My friend speaks English very.........
A good B the best C well D better

3. That car is ............ than my car.
A more expensive B expensiver C expensive D most expensive

4. Your dog is ...................than mine.
A funny B funnier C funnyier D the funny

5. We the cinema yesterday.
A go B gone C went D have gone

6. I ................ Helen yesterday.
A seen B see C had seen D saw

7. My friend lives in Belfast. So, he is from ...............
A England B Northern Ireland C Wales D Scotland

8. What is he doing now? He ................... s story.
A reads B read C is reading D reading

9. We should protect ............... species.
A recycle B danger C endangered D plant

10. Is she doing her homework? No, she ..................
A is not B don’t C doesn’t D is

11. My brother is ............... than my sister.
A tall B the tallest C most tall D taller

12. They school now.
A is walking B are walking C walked D walking

13. We can .................English.
A can B speaking C speak D speaks

14. He .............. in an office.
A isn’t B doesn’t C don’t D not

15. She ................ to see his friend tomorrow.
A is B go C went D is going

16. My birthday is on ............ July.
A two B twice C three D second

17. Do you like ..................?
A swimming B swim C swiming D swims

18. I live............. Cracow.
A on B at C by D in

19. ............ is your best friend?
A Why B When C Who D Which

20. I will be happy if I ............... competition.
A will win B win C won D have

21. It was ............ expensive to buy. I hadn’t money.
A not B too C enough D to

22. That’s ......... book.
A us B my C mine D ours

23. I don’t have ........... in my kitchen.
A sink B fridge C bath D cooker

24. I like ............... volleyball.
A playing B play C to play D played

25. I think, I ........... go cycling.
A go B going C will D am

26. My cousin will ............. yacht.
A go B sail C fly D goes

27. Carton is made of ................
A paper B glass C plastic D aluminium

28. If I have money, I shoes.
A buy B buying C bought D am buying

29. That building has got 100 ........... It the highest tower in country.
A underground B floors C floor D flor

30. This book is ................ of all.
A best B better C good D the best

1. W każdym ze zdań pogrubiono dwa wyrazy. Podkreśl ten z nich, który najlepiej pasuje do kontekstu. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.

1. It took them three hours to reach/ arrive the town.
2.One of the most common phobias is the fear from / of heights.
3.Jack finds speaking Russian quite embarrassing / embarrassed.
4. I am bad at/ in computer studies.
5. They got married in church and then there was a reception / wedding in a restaurant.
6. Liza held / took a deep breath and jumped into the water.
7. Our cleaning lady makes / does the ironing every Friday.
8. His bakery is famous / popular for their strawberry cheesecake.
9. I‟m so bored / boring ‟. There’s nothing interesting to do here.
10. „What‟s the price / prize of this skirt?‟ It‟s $100.

2. Połącz wyrazy tak, aby utworzyły pary. Wpisz odpowiednie litery obok cyfr w tabeli. Dwa z wyrazów oznaczonych A – G nie pasują do żadnego ze słów o numerach 1 – 5. Przetłumacz powstałe pary wyrazów na język polski. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.

1. fizzy A advance 1.
2. lay B station 2.
3. in C purpose 3.
4. for D drinks 4.
5. petrol E the table 5.
F mist
G sale

3. Wstaw odpowiedni przyimek. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.
1. She complained ________ the quality of the food.
2. Do you believe ________ ghosts?
3. Larry is very good ________ maths.
4. Alan is really keen ________ rock music.
5. In winter he usually suffers . ________ flu.

4. Zadaj pytanie o podkreśloną część zdania. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1punkt.
1.Mrs Brown travels by car.
2. She leaves home at 7.00 every Monday.
3.My sister is eighteen years old.
4. This trousers cost $44.50.
5. The lake is about half a mile from here.

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