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Numer: 36666
Dział: Języki obce

Z przysłowiami angielskimi za pan brat

I. Połącz w pary połówki przysłów angielskich:
1. Beauty is only...
2. A stitch in time...
3. All is well ...
4. Don’t cry over...
5. Too many cooks ...
6. If anything can go wrong...
7. A bird in the hand is worth......
8. You can’t have your cake ...
9. You can’t judge a book ......
10. Don’t put all your eggs...
a) ...saves nine
b) ...in one basket
c) ...that ends well
d) ...spoil the broth
e) ...by its cover
f) ...it will
g) ...skin deep
h) ...two in the bush
i) ...and eat it
j) ...spilt milk
II. Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź z podanych poniżej:
1. You are what you...
a) drink
b) eat
c) take
d) say
2. Never looks a gift ......... in the mouth.
a) wolf
b) duck
c) goose
d) horse
3. One man’s ............is another man’s poison.
a) meat
b) medicine
c) cure
d) food
4. It never rains but it ......
a) shines
b) pours
c) clouds
d) winds
5. A ........................... man will clutch at a straw.
a) drowning
b) jumping
c) crowling
d) running
6. Shop till you ...............
a) can
b) may
c) drop
d) have money
7. When the cat is away ............... will play.
a) mice
b) mouses
c) birds
d) insects
8. Like ........................like child.
a) father
b) mother
c) sister
d) brother
9. A bad workman always blames his ........................
a) forks
b) knives
c) tools
d) spoons
10. Every cloud has a ........................... lining.
a) golden
b) silver
c) black
d) white
III. Jak brzmią te przysłowia w języku polskim?
1. Silence is golden.
2. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
3. Look before you leap.
4. Birds of the feather flock together.
5. A trouble shared is trouble halved.
6. First impressions are the most lasting.
7. Curiosity killed the cat.
8. East, west, home is best.
9. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
10. Necessity is the mother of invention.

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