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Numer: 36292
Dział: Języki obce

My family

Subject: My family.
- to practise and learning family vocabulary
- to say a rhyme, sing a song and doing the actions
- to practise understanding instructions
- to encourage pupils to speak
- to encourage pupils to be active during the lesson
Age: 4 years old
- lexical: family vocabulary (mummy - mother, daddy - father , brother, sister, baby)
Assumed knowledge:
- pupils know members of family vocabulary in Polish
- pupils sing a song: “Helloo........”
- pupils
Anticipated problems:
- pupils may need some help with talk about their family members.
Time: 20 min.


- Singing Knock, knock, hello [APPENDIX 11] (2 min)
- T shows the children own a family photo. T points to the people and tells about them: This is my mummy. This is my daddy. Her name is... This is my baby. This is me. (3 min)
- T asks the children to draw pictures of their families. As they draw, T goes round talking to the pupils individually about them in English. (T should be sensitive to different family circumstances). T encourages the children to point to their family members and says who they are in English. (6 min)
- T displays the pictures on the wall and points to some of the people and talks about them: This is Filip’s brother. Who’s this? T encourages the children to join in. (4 min)
- T says the rhyme A family fingerplay [APPENDIX 12]. Then T says it again every line of the rhyme, eliciting the description wherever possible. T says the rhyme again a couple of times, encouraging the children to the actions and join in. (6 min)
Children learned vocabulary connected with the family. The most effective method to sustain their attention was talking about their family and learning the rhyme. Children took a little too long drawing their family members, but on the other hand the enjoyed drawing and creating their own images of their family members. Pupils were in a great mood and they were open for instructions. The lesson proved that children liked rhymes, that motivated them to work.

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