Numer: 35379
Dział: Języki obce

Materiały dodatkowe - CV, list motywacyjny, wyrażenia-jęz.angielski


Name (imię i nazwisko)
Temporary address (adres zameldowania)
Telephone (numer telefonu)
e-mail address (adres e-mail)
Date of birth (data urodzenia)

Education and Qualifications (wykształcenie i kwalifikacje)
• tu wpisujemy nazwy szkół, które ukończyliśmy

Experience (doświadczenie zawodowe)
• miejsce na informacje dotyczące dotychczasowego zatrudnienia
Other skills (dodatkowe umiejętności)
• tu wpisujemy umiejętności takie jak obsługa programów komputerowych
Languages (znajomość języków obcych)
• wpisujemy języki, którymi władamy
Other information (dodatkowe informacje)
• informacje dotyczące prawa jazdy, przebytych kursów
• informacje dotyczące zainteresowań/hobby



Name and surname: imię i nazwisko
Date of birth : data urodzenia
Address: adres
E-mail: adres e-mail
Tel.: numer telefonu
Nationality: narodowość

Education: wykształcenie

Internships and courses: Praktyki i kursy

Additional skills: Dodatkowe umiejętności

Interests/Hobbies: Zainteresowania/Hobby


Name : Jan Smith
Date of birth : 20.12.1995
Address: 2445 Kolejowa Str., Lodz, Poland

• 2011-2014- a student of Vocational School nr.1 in Bratoszewice,Logistics
• 2007-2010- a graduate from Middle School of II John Paul in Lodz, sports class

• 01-31.-5.2013- apprenticeship in Raben Logistics Company, Strykow , departments of: Internal and External Transport, Shipping, Purchasing, Planning, Administration
• Seasonal job-a fruit picker, every summer

• Languages
- English- pre-intermediate (both in writing and speaking)
-Russian- intermediate (both in writing and speaking)
• computer literacy (Microsoft Office, Internet)
• driving license-B category
• Business English course-2012
• dancing, playing volleyball, listening to rock music
References upon request

Dear Sir/Madam- szanowni Państwo

Przyczyna dla której piszesz list:
1. I am writing to apply for the job/ post advertised in....- piszę, by ubiegać się o pracę zamieszczoną w....
2.I am writing with regard to your job advertisement in....- piszę do państwa w sprawie ogłoszenia o pracę, które ukazało się w....
3. I would like to express my interest in a job advertisement

Chciałbym/chciałabym wyrazić moje zainteresowanie ofertą pracy
Twoje dane: wykształcenie, doświadczenie zawodowe, kursy, dyplomy:
1. I attend a high school in- uczęszczam do szkoły średniej w ....
2. I graduated with distinction- kończyłem/ukończyłam wydział... na.... z wyróżnieniem
3.I hold a certificate in...- posiadam dyplom/certyfikat
4. I am currently employed as a/an.... at- obecnie jestem zatrudnniony/zatrudniona jako... w (firmie)...
5. I have experience in/of- mam doświadczenie w...
6. As for my experience/as far as my qualifications are concerned- jeśli chodzi o moje doświadczenie/ moje kwalifikacje...
7. I worked for... as a/an...- pracowałem/pracowałam dla... jako...
Dlaczego jesteś dobrym kandydatem/kandydatką:
1. I feel/believe I am a suitable candidate for this job because...- uważam/wierzę, że jestem dobrym kandydatem na to stanowisko, ponieważ...
2. I am very hard-working/confident/ cooperative/ chich makes me an ideal candidate for this job- jestem bardzo pracowity/pracowita/pewna siebie/umiem współpracować z innymi, co sprawia, że jestem idealnym kandydatem/idealna kandydatką na to stanowisko

Kończenie wypowiedzi:
1.I am available for an interview at any time convenient for you-jestem dostępny/dostepna/przyjdę na rozmowę kwalifikacyjną w każdym odpowiadającym Państwu terminie
2. I enclose my CV and references from my previous employers- Załączam mój życiorys i referencje od poprzednich pracodawców
Covering letter/letter of application- wzór listu motywacyjnego

Human Resources Manager
ul. Polna 26
85-408 Malbork

Agnieszka Kowalska
Ul. Wesoła 4/9
80-500 Gdańsk
tel: (058) 341 0001
Gdańsk, 20 February 2001
Dear Sir or Madam,

With reference to your job advertisement in Gazeta Wyborcza from the 11th of December 2000, I would like to apply for the position of an Assistant to the Board of your company.
For the last few years I have been consistently developing my skills and experience of working in various employment environments, mainly in the area of promotion and marketing. I spent the last two years working in London, the time spent in London allowed me to make a contribution to the work of my employers, as well as provided an excellent learning opportunity for personal development.

I am a graduate in Economics from University of Gdańsk, with specialization in International Trade.
I speak fluent English and German.
I am well organized and communicative and believe that an opportunity of working for your company would be a great personal challenge as well as an opportunity to make a contribution to the achievements of your company.
Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Agnieszka Kowalska


Human Resources
Good Night Hotel
28/5 Strykowska Str.
95-010 Stryków

Jan Kowalski
22 Kolejowa Street
95-100 Lodz

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in response to your job offer concerning the post of a hotel receptionist which I found in the latest issue of “Home Jobs”.
I would like to express my interest in this post because it is perfect for a young person.
I graduated from Warsaw University in Tourism and Marketing last year. As far as my qualifications are concerned I have been working for “Holiday Inn” as a receptionist in Warsaw where I gained a lot of professional experience. Moreover, I am hard-working, communicative and cooperative which makes me an ideal candidate for this job. I speak German and English very well- I hold certificates in both languages.
I would be happy to come to an interview at any time convenient for you.
I enclose my CV and the references from my previous employer.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

Jan Kowalski


Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing with reference to your job offer of a cook which I found online, on would like to apply for this post in “Red Dragon” restaurant.

I found this post very interesting because I am a student and I would like to work at the weekends . I attend a high school in Bratoszewice and I study to become a cook ( a chef preferably). For the past two years I have been working as a waitress in “Sphinx”” restaurant in Lodz and I have experience in serving clients and preparing food. Additionally, last summer I worked as the cook at my uncle’s restaurant at the Baltic Sea in Ustka and I prepared some fish dishes and seasonal salads.

I am very hard- working, responsible, communicative and sociable. I can speak English and German.
I am available for an interview at any time convenient for you.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,


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