Numer: 35079
Dział: Języki obce

Animals. Scenariusz zajęć

Subject: Animals.
Age/ Level: 5 years old of elementary level

- to introduce and practise animals vocabulary
- to play the game
- to mime animals,
- to learn a song about animals
- to practice pronunciation
- to encourage pupils to be active during the lesson
- lexical: animals vocabulary (zebra, snake, lion, crocodile, elephant, monkey, tiger, parrot)
Assumed knowledge:
- pupils know animal vocabulary
- pupils know names the texts of songs: “Hello song”, “Bye-bye Goodbye”
- pupils sing the song
- pupils know the names of colors
- pupils know to appearance of some animals and they know their Polish names
Anticipated problems:
- some pupils may not remember all names of animals
- some pupils may have problems with pronouncing some words
- there may be not enough time to all planned parts of the Lesson Plan
- flashcards: zebra, snake, lion, crocodile, elephant, monkey, tiger, parrot
- CD player
- CD – “The Happy House Song” song 4: “Can You Snap Like a Crocodile?” (Apendix
- Hello song

Time: 30 min.

- Singing Hello song [APPENDIX 1]. Pupils wave their hands to each other while singing.(2 min)
- T presents the pupils the flashcards with wild animals. T imitates the sounds of some animals and tells them the names of the wild animals. Pupils follow the teachers and repeat the sounds and the names. T does this twice [APPENDIX]
T sticks the pictures on the board in the order they appear in the song and elicits the names from the children. (5 min)
- T turns on the CD player with the song: “Can you snap like a crocodile?” [APPENDIX ], . T sings a song and explains the text. T slowly repeat the text. T asks pupils to stand up, sing a song together. Show how this animals behave. (5min)
- T turns on the laptop, projector and connecting with the Internet. T read instruction of the game. Pupils get six sheet of paper. Every card has other colour. Children play the game. Pupils answer the question shows elect colour card and say the name of colours (Paint the lion brown!). T does all the action on the laptop.(5min)
- The T asks one of the pupils to pretend to be a crocodile. Children which is animal guess. Next T asks another child to pretend to be an elephant. P miming the characteristics (5 min)
- T explains rules to play memory. Divides the learners into pairs. T give suite memory cards with wild animals. Pupils put on the floor. Pupils serially find two cards imitates the sound of some animals and pronounce the names. Learners look the same pairs animals.(5min)
- In the end everybody sing a song “Bye Bye Goodbye” and dance to the song. (3min)
The aims of the lesson were achieved. Children learn new words connected with wild animals and their sounds. Children had a lot of fun. They developed their imagination. Pupils loved the playing, singing, they love rhythm, music, and movement. Children can work in pairs. They revise material (colors, songs and dance). Pupils Have a great time with playing the Internet game.


Good morning!
Good morning! Good morning!
Hello, hello to you!
Good morning! Good morning!
Hello, hello to you!


See you later, Alligator!

See you later, Alligator
After a while, Crocodile
See you soon, Raccoon
Goodbye, Butterfly
Take care, brown Bear

Bye Bye Goodbye
Bye bye. Goodbye. [Wave with one hand, then the other hand, then with both hands.]
Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye.
I can clap my hands. [Clap your hands.]
I can stamp my feet. [Stamp your feet.]
I can clap my hands.
I can stamp my feet.
Bye bye. Goodbye.
Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye.
Bye bye. Goodbye.
Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye.
GOODBYE! [Jump up with your fist in the air!]

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